NSWrail.net Credits

I started these pages several years ago out of a desire to explore my personal interests in Internet publishing, railways and digital mapping. Although the work was purely self-motivated, I regularly receive the kind of feedback which reminds me that there are other people with the same interests out there. I am constantly reminded that the Internet is a huge agent for the fostering of communities.

Thanks to everyone who has dropped me a line!

The content of these pages would be a lot poorer without the contributions I have received from many people, ranging from simple corrections to extremely generous photographic contributions. I would like to express my gratitude to:

Bruce Agland, David Alexander, Malcolm Alexander, Geoff Allcock, Chris Alway, Tejas Andhare, Debra Argus, Margaret Atkinson, Brian Ayling, Warren Backhouse, Jim Banks, Bob Bailey, Grant Barnett, Matt Barros, Michael Bath, Darren Bazley, Paul Bech, John Beckhouse, Russell Beer, Stephen Bennetts, Chris Bentley, Paul Bird, James Black, Rob Blayney, Ross Blunden, Aleksandar Boromisa, Theo Bouris, Ian Brash, David Bromage, Judy Brown, Andrew Browne, Bruce Bruen, Bruce Burgess, Paul Burgess, Duncan Butcher, Barry Campbell, Jennie Carter, Greg Cavanagh, Ben Chatwin, Axel Cheah, Adrian Chippindale, Neil Christie, John Cleverdon, Stuart Coates, Andrew Cole, Wayne Coleman, Mark Colman, Peter Cook, John Coombes, David Cooper, Bob Coote, Ken Craig, Bruce Craven, Roger Crawford, Bradley Curran, Arthur Dale, Stephen Daymond, Steve Davies, Jim Dean, Chris Debruyne, Stephan Delaney, David Dougherty, John Druhan, Michael Duggan, Wayne Eade, Michael Edge, Greg Edwards, Jonathan Eggins, Philip Eggins, Don Eisenhuth, Richard Felstead, Neville Fenn, Jim Fisher, David Freckleton, Joe Friedman, Matthew Fitzhenry, Brendan Forrest, Mark Gainford, Graeme Gardiner, Tony Gatt, William Gay, Matthew Geier, David Gerard, Jon Germann, Graeme Gill, Peter Godfrey, Andrew Godson, Nicholas Godson, David Good, David Goodyear, Denis Graham, Beau Graves, Tim Gray, Jonas Grumby, Bob Hall, Karina Hall, John Hamilton, Donovan Harris, Robert Harris, Stephen Harris, Gary Harrison, Graham Harvey, Kenneth Hastings, Robert Heal, Barry Heinrich, Jamie Henderson, Robert Henderson, Barry Henry, Stephen Hodges, Bryan Holland, Dick Holland, Stephen Hood, Darren Howell, Dave Humphreys, Greg Hunter, Colin Iskov,, Brett James, Patrick James, David Johnson, Michael Johnston, Nathan Johnston, Malcolm Johnstone, Dean Jones, Kevin Jones, Martin Jones, Anthony Katon, Mike Kearnes, George Kavazos, Jeff Kaye, Graham Kelly, Shane Kelly, Bruce Kennewell, Eric Kent, Anthony Koch, Mark Kunjasic, Geoff Lambert, Sam Laybutt, Peter Leary, David Leck, Brian Leedham, Diane LeLay, Alex Li, Damien Liew, Jodie Luck-Taylor, Anita Lukaszyk, MacBeth family, Warwick McCall, Ross McConchie, Sam Macdonald, Rob McFadden, Ian McIntyre, Scott McKinnon, Greg McMahon, Ron Madden, W. Madden, Robert Marczan, Glenn Martin, Ken Maxwell, James Maskell, Warwick Mead, Albert Melchert, Alan Middlemiss, Grant Miller, Peter Miller, Victor Moymow, Ted Mullet, Jeff Mullier, John Nairn, Chris Nelson, Dimi Nikolias, Roderick O'Donnell, Eddie Oliver, Ben O'Regan, David Otto, Mick Owen, Chris Parr, Chris Pearson, Terry Peckham, Cathy Peterson, Edgar Petrone, S. Pike, Ross Plevey, Peter Prewett, David Proctor, Michael Quinton, John Ramsey, Greg Ray, John Read, Sue Reid, S. Reynolds, Paul Rogers, Tom Rogers, David Rowe, Leon Rudd, Jeff Russell, Mark Russell, Colin Rutledge, Mark Ryan, Garry Sanders, Harold Sanders, Phil Schubert, Robin Scott, Dave Seaton, Corey Sessions, Joe Sharman, Craig Shaw, Graeme Skeet, Alan Skelton, Rodney Skerman, Chris Smart, Brent Smith, Jon Smith, Mal Smith, Michael Smith, Robbie Smith, Rod Smith, Eddie Stavleu, Gary Stevens, Chris Stewart, John Sulman, Mark Swan, Taylor Syme, Nicky Sørengaard, Dennis Taylor, Andrew Tester, Ross Thomson, Michael Thornes, Daniel Thornton, Ken Tiver, Peter Try, Darren Tulk, Andy Tye, John Vawdrey, Graham Vincent, Peter Ware, Charlie Walker, Rod Walker, Neal Waller, Martin Walls, Sam Warry, Mary Warwick, Ian Webster, Paul Westcott, John Wheeler, Richard Wheeler, Nathan White, Garry Willgoose, Iain Wilson, Robert Wilson, B. J. Wise, Stephen Woodhead, Chris Wynn, Nathan Van Der Meulen, Laurie Vran, Winston Yang, Tony Yoo, Mark Zanker, "Awsgc24", "Dasher", "Goldfish", "John Boy", "Lugsdin", "robson", "TheLoneGunMan", "Urban Chaos", "Greg", "Lachlan", "XPT Rail Fan", "Railcar", "Somebody in the WWW", "Paul B", "Pigman"

Sincere apologies to anone I have inadvertantly missed out.

Rolfe Bozier