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Main facility: Station (Closed)
Lines: Gwabegar Line
Location: line-map     (149.9963°, -33.3708°) GDA94
Distance: 179.473 km from Sydney
15-May-1882 Opened
Jul-1972 Closed
Photos: 2005
Description: A 100m platform and shelter on the down side of the line. A loop siding was provided, with a goods shed directly opposite the station. Branching off the loop was a 500m siding from the nearby Ivanhoe Colliery. By 1919 the loop had been lengthened and three short sidings added. By 1949 a private line led from the colliery branch to Portland. The location had been rationalised by 1970, with only the loop and goods sidings remaining; the dead end sidings and colliery branch had been removed.
Current status:


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