NSW Railway Photos owned by Bryan Holland

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Borenore 2004 The road side of Borenore, now used by the local tennis club.
Borenore 2004 The view long the platform, looking towards Molong.
Borenore 2004 The goods loading bank on the now-lifted loop, looking towards Sydney.
Borenore 2004 The original station nameboard letters, now on a metal frame. The buildings are being restored by the tennis club and Rail Estate.
Condobolin 2004 The road side view of the station.
Deniliquin 1988 Deniliquin station prior to its demolition.
Deniliquin 1988 Deniliquin goods shed with RT47 shunter.
Euabalong West 2004 The original out-of room. The two figures at the western end of the platform are train crew brought by taxi from Parkes to relieve on an Up freight train.
Euabalong West 2004 A close-up of original nameboard.
Euabalong West 2004 The building erected in the late 1980's to replace the station building, which was destroyed by white ants.
Euabalong West 2004 The view of the out-of room looking towards Condobolin.
Euabalong West 2004 The loading bank and silos.
Euabalong West 2004 The water tank which was part of the Loco facilities here.
Euabalong West 2004 The road-side view of the station.
Euabalong West 2004 The road-side view of the out-of room.
Euabalong West 2004 The final resting place of the small frame for the Loco facilities.
Euabalong West 1987 A view of the station when it was still attended.
Fassifern 2004 The view looking across the large "V"-shaped platform towards the main station building.
Fassifern 2004 The view looking along the branch line platform.
Grenfell 2004 The view looking towards Koorawatha, with the now disused goods shed & grain silo.
Grenfell 2004 The station has been repainted, new rainwater tanks installed at both ends of the building, and the platform completely restored.
Grenfell 2004 The road side view of the restored building.
Lake Cargelligo 2004 The safeworking hut which sits on a small piece of the original platform. The platform road was removed along with the station.
Lake Cargelligo 2004 The view looking away from the end of the line across the yard remains to the grain silos.
Manildra 2005 The road side of Manildra platform, showing track running into mill that has isolated the platform.
Toronto 2004 The lamp room at the up end of the platform.
Toronto 2004 A closer view of the station building, looking towards the end of the line.
Toronto 2004 The up end of the station, looking towards Fassifern.
Toronto 2004 The view looking towards the end of the line.
Trundle 2004 Only the platform remains of the station, in this view towards Tottenham.
Trundle 2004 The loading bank and silos. The yard is largely untouched, with all sidings still in existence.
Trundle 2004 The former staff hut, now out of use as, Train Order working has taken over.
Trundle 2004 Large piles of new timber sleepers being used in the resleepering of the Tottenham line. This is being carried out by 2 gangs working 7 days a week.
Ungarie 2004 The safeworking hut which, as at Lake Cargelligo, sits on a small piece of the original platform.
Ungarie 2004 Looking west, the line to the left of the junction is to Naradhan, that to the right is to Lake Cargelligo.
Wyalong 2004 The small platform and staff hut at Wyalong. The original station was on the Sydney side of the silos at the left of the picture.
Wyalong 2004 The office area of the former Freight Centre. When the station was demolished, this became the Station Master's office, Booking Office and Accounts office for the Freight Centre.
Wyalong 2004 A closer view of the current facilities.