Baradine |
2005 |
48156 is at the head of a train loading grain from the silo. |
Baradine |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Baradine from a nearby level crossing. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
Adjacent to the is a preserved covered wagon on a short piece of isolated rail, probably the remains of the former repair siding. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
A closer view of the preserved wagon in the yard. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
A close-up of the gantry crane at the up end of the yard. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
The view looking up the yard. The one-time goods shed was located on the far right. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
The view looking across at the station and the modern safeworking building. |
Binnaway |
2005 |
The twin elevated water tanks that were located in the middle of the loco servicing facility. |
Boggabilla |
2005 |
A closer view of the decaying statiun building. |
Boggabilla |
2005 |
The view looking across towards the station in an up direction. |
Boggabilla |
2005 |
The jib crane is still present, sitting opposite the platform. |
Boggabilla |
2005 |
The view from the end of the line looking back towards the station and crane. |
Boggabilla |
2005 |
The remains of the buffer stops at the end of the branch line. |
Bugaldie |
2005 |
The view looking north towards Gwabegar. |
Bugaldie |
2005 |
The view looking south in the direction of Bugaldie. |
Bugaldie |
2005 |
A wooden bridge over a creek to the north of Bugaldie. |
Bugaldie |
2005 |
A closer view of the bridge over a creek. |
Bugaldie |
2005 |
A wheat train headed by 3 48-class locos is about to cross a wooden trestle bridge. |
Burringbar |
2005 |
The view looking down the line. The former station was located on the right hand side of the track. |
Burringbar |
2005 |
The view looking up the line. The former goods siding and crane were on the left, with a loop siding on the right. |
Burringbar |
2005 |
A modern station name board has been turned around to face visitors. |
Burringbar |
2005 |
The distance marker on a small culvert about 100m on the up side of the former station. |
Burringbar |
2005 |
A concrete structure of undetermined purpose at the up end of the location. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
A closer view of the station entrance. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The view looking east across towards the station. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The remains of the dock siding at the up end of the station. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The distance marker at the up end of the platform. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The view looking south along the platform. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The station name board. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The unusual circular water tank looks to be in poor condition. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The remains of a buffer stop at the end of the loco siding. |
Byron Bay |
2005 |
The view looking north beyond the station. The track leading off the the right went to the old and new jetty sidings. |
Chakola |
2003 |
Preserved CPH 22 has stopped at Chakola before heading back to Cooma. |
Chakola |
2003 |
Preserved rail motor CPH 22 stopped at Chakola. The station now sports a restored shelter. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The road over-bridge to the north of the station. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The view looking south past the signal post towards the station. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The view looking south across to the station with preserved railcar CPH 22 at the platform. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The rear of the up end of the station showing the two sidings behind the platform. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The road-side view of the station building. |
Cooma |
2003 |
A view of the goods shed from the window of a CPH car. |
Cooma |
2003 |
The view looking towards the northern end of the yard from a CPH railcar. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
A closer view of the elevated water tank. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
A closer view of the water column. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
A view of the station with the main building having been destroyed by fire in 2001. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking up the yard, showing the gantry crane and goods shed. The main platform is visible on the far right. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking down the goods siding towards the goods shed. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
A closer view of the goods platform and shed. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The rear view of the goods shed. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The concreate base of the former gangers shed. The rails for moving equipment onto the line are clearly visible. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking west towards the grain shed. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
A closer view of the grain shed at the down end of the yard. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The former truck weighbridge is still present in the yard. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the up end of the yard. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking towards the up end of the yard. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The platform face for the goods loading bank. |
Coonabarabran |
2005 |
The view looking up the line towards the station, just after the sun has set. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking east along the platform from the Darling Street level crossing. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking east along the platform. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
A colour light signal at the western end of the station. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The road side view of the station. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view of the eastern side of the Macquarie River bridge. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the Macquarie River bridge. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the station, with an old semaphore signal gantry with the arms removed. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking south where the former Molong - Dubbo line crosses Cobra Street. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking south whether the former Molong - Dubbo line crosses Wingewarra Street. |
Dubbo |
2005 |
The view looking north at Dubbo East Junction. The track on the left leads to Dubbo station, with the one on the right heading towards Binnaway and Conamble. |
Goulburn |
2004 |
The road side view of the main station building. |
Goulburn |
2004 |
The view looking south along platforms 2 and 1. |
Goulburn |
2004 |
The view looking south along platform 1. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The small staff hut at Gwabegar. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the northern leg of the turning triangle. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The view looking north along the triangle north leg towards the junction with the main line. The former station was located on the left in the middle distance. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the end of the line. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The stop block that marks the end of the branch line. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
Only the base remains of the one-time water tower. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the silo. The sttock loading bank can be seen on the right hand side of the silo. The turning triangle is out of sight on the right. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The remains of the Timber Siding, looking north. |
Gwabegar |
2005 |
The dead end at the northern end of the Timber Siding. |
Kenebri |
2005 |
The station name board is now situated on a nearby property. |
Michelago |
2003 |
The view looking north from the northern end of Michelago. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking north along the curved platform |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking south along the platform. The turntable can be see through the trees in the centre. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking across toward the water tank. The track abt the back leads to the motor vehicle unloading ramp (left) and the turntable (right). |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking east. The vehicle unloading ramp was beyond the trees in the distance. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
Another view of the turntable. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking south from the level crossing at the northern end of the station. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
Some abandoned goods sheds. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The remains of a freight siding and abandoned sheds. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking north beyond the station. The silos in the distance are the Blue Circle Cement silos. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The view looking south beyond the station. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
The level crossing at the northern end of the station. |
Murwillumbah |
2005 |
Trains no longer traverse this line. |