Albury Racecourse |
2005 |
The view looking south in the vicinity of the one-time station serving the Albury Racecourse. |
Alectown West |
2007 |
The view looking south. The station was located in the middle distance on the right of the line. |
Alectown West |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the GrainCorp silos. |
Apsley |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station was located just beyond the level crossing. |
Apsley |
2007 |
The view looking west at the level crossing. |
Ardlethan |
2006 |
The view looking east, showing the platform (far left), safeworking hut, gantry crane, loading bank and silos. |
Ardlethan |
2006 |
The Ardlethan staff hut. |
Ardlethan |
2006 |
The view looking west along the goods loading bank. |
Ardlethan |
2006 |
The view looking west with the platform still present. |
Ardlethan |
2006 |
The main passenger platform. The nameboard apears to have been removed some time in the last few years. |
Argyle |
2007 |
The view looking north in the vicinity of the former platform. The facility on the right is the Goulburn Training Centre. |
Back Creek |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the silo. |
Back Creek |
2006 |
The loading bank at the southern end of the grain siding. |
Ballbank |
2004 |
A low bridge near the location of Ballbank.
Balldale |
2005 |
The view looking along the platform in the direction of Culcairn. |
Balldale |
2005 |
A view of the rear of the platform remains. |
Balldale |
2005 |
The view looking towards the station. The track on the right is the short sub extending from the goods siding. |
Balldale |
2005 |
The road side view of the silos. |
Balldale |
2005 |
The two tracks which pass next to the large silo complex. |
Balranald |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the station and silos. |
Balranald |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the station and the former yard area. |
Barellan |
2006 |
The safeworking hut is still present on the short crumbling platform. |
Barellan |
2006 |
The view looking north through the adjacent level crossing. |
Barellan |
2006 |
The older grain silos at Barellan. |
Barellan |
2006 |
The newer grain silos. |
Barmedman |
2006 |
The view looking south. The station is visible on the right of the track in the distance. |
Barnes |
2005 |
An old VR milepost, just to the north of the station location. |
Barnes |
2005 |
The view looking north through the one-time location. The station was on the right of the track, with several sidings on the left.. |
Barnes |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Moama. On the right were several sidings. |
Batlow |
2005 |
The Packing House siding, near the junction with the main line. |
Batlow |
2005 |
The remains of the siding serving the Packing House. |
Batlow |
2005 |
The location of the Packing House siding, which passed under the gantry to the left of centre. The main line is beneath the grass to the left of the two trees,
and passes through to the middle distance. |
Batlow |
2005 |
A closer view of the Cold Store, with the rails still visible in the dirt. |
Beckom |
2006 |
The view looking east. The station was located on the left of the main line. Between the main line and the silos were the loop and goods sidings, now lifted. |
Beelbangera |
2007 |
The view looking west. The one-time station was on the right hand side of the line. |
Bellarwi |
2006 |
The view looking east. The loading bank is visible on the left. On the right the passenger platform remains are marked with the half-kilometre post. |
Bellarwi |
2006 |
The station signboard is now on a nearby property. |
Benanee |
2006 |
The view looking east at the location. |
Benanee |
2006 |
The view looking west at the location. |
Benarca |
2006 |
Old and new distance posts in the vicinity of the station. |
Benarca |
2006 |
The view looking west. No trace remains. |
Bentley |
2006 |
The view looking down the line. The station was located in the left in the middle distance. |
Bentley |
2006 |
The view looking back up the line towards Casino. |
Berambong |
2006 |
A closer view of some possible remains. |
Berambong |
2006 |
The view looking east along the formation. |
Berambong |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the level crossing. |
Berrigan |
2005 |
The view looking towards the overgrown platform, with the main road in
the background.
Berrigan |
2005 |
A view of the small corrugated iron shed labelled "Lamp Room".
Berrigan |
2005 |
The road-side view of the Lamp Room. Just visible under the tree is a
lever frame.
Berrigan |
2005 |
The view looking south at the Lamp Room and the rear of the passenger
Berrigan |
2005 |
The overgrown A lever frame.
Berrima Junction |
2007 |
The view looking north towards the junction of the branch line to the Berrima Cement Works. |
Berrima Junction |
2007 |
The view looking west towards the Berrima Junction signal box. |
Bethungra |
2005 |
The view looking north. Only a staff hut and cross-over remain of the one-time station. The platforms were located on either side of the tracks near where the car is parked. |
Bethungra |
2005 |
A close-up view of the staff hut that controls the cross-over. |
Bethungra |
2005 |
A goods loading back is still present, but no longer in use. |
Binya |
2007 |
The view looking west. The one-time station was on the left of the main line opposite the silos. |
Bloomfield |
2007 |
The view looking west at the former station location. |
Bogan Gate |
2007 |
The view from the branch line looking back towards the junction. The main line crosses from left to right in the background. |
Bongalong |
2005 |
The view looking north through the station vicinity. |
Borambola |
2005 |
A closer view of the rear of the goods shed. |
Borambola |
2005 |
The view view of the goods shed, with crumbling platform remains. |
Boree Creek |
2006 |
A view over the three different styles of silos at Boree Creek. |
Botfield |
2007 |
The view looking north with the loading bank remains on the right. |
Botfield |
2007 |
The view looking south. The station was located near where the tree now stands. |
Botfield |
2007 |
The remains of some foundations have been left near the line. |
Botfield |
2007 |
The view looking east towards the former station location. The debris in the foreground is likely the remains of the station foundations. |
Bradfordville |
2005 |
The view looking north through the one-time siding location. |
Bradfordville |
2005 |
The view looking south through the location. |
Brawlin |
2005 |
The view loking north, showing the remains of the goods platform and the
short passenger platform. |
Brawlin |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Tumut of the station remains. |
Brawlin |
2005 |
The view looking north from the down end of the yard. The passenger platform can be seen in the distance. |
Brawlin |
2005 |
The remains of some structures in the yard. |
Brocklesby |
2005 |
The view looking down the line across the overgrown yard and platform remains. |
Brocklesby |
2005 |
The view looking back up the line in the direction of Corowa. |
Brolgan |
2007 |
The view looking east through the former station location. The possible remains of the platform are a mound on the right in the middle distance. |
Brooklana |
2006 |
The view looking south-east. The rails are buried in the grass on the right. |
Brundah |
2006 |
The view looking west. The station was located in the left foreground. |
Brundah |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the silo. The station was located just beyond the kilometre post on the left. |
Brundah |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the level crossing adjacent to the station location. |
Budawong |
2007 |
The view looking west. No trace remains. |
Buddigower |
2006 |
The view looking east past the silos. The station was located somewhere on the left of the track. |
Buddigower |
2006 |
The road side view of the silos. |
Bumberry |
2007 |
The view looking west. The goods siding in on the left, with the loop line on the right. The station was located just around the curve in the distance. |
Bumberry |
2007 |
The staff hut on the southern side of the crossing loop. |
Bumberry |
2007 |
The view looking west towards the end of the crossing loop. The station was located in the immediate foreground. |
Bungendore |
2005 |
The goods platform, shed and jib crane are still present, south of the main
Bungendore |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the goods yard and shed.
Bungendore |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the station.
Bunnaloo |
2005 |
The view looking west past the silos. |
Bunnaloo |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the silos. The main line is behind the structures. |
Buralyang |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the silo complex. |
Buralyang |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the silos. |
Burbong |
2006 |
The possible foundations of the one-time platform. |
Burbong |
2006 |
The looking south with little to show of the one-time location. |
Burbong |
2006 |
The eastern side of the nearby bridge over the road. |
Burbong |
2006 |
The western side of the nearby bridge over the road. |
Burcher |
2006 |
A closer view of the shed and name-board at the down end of the platform. The points lever on the far left controlled the turntable siding. |
Burcher |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the dead end, showing the passenger platform and loading bank. |
Burcher |
2006 |
The view looking south from the end of the branch line. |
Burcher |
2006 |
The road-side approach to the modern GrainCorp silo facility. |
Burgooney |
2006 |
The view looking east of the modern silo complex. |
Burraboi |
2005 |
The road-side view of the silo complex at Burraboi. |
Burraboi |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the silo complex. |
Burrandana |
2005 |
The station is substantially intact in the middle of a field. This view shows
the platform, shelter and water tank. The mound on the right is the back of
the former goods loading bank.
Burrandana |
2005 |
A closer view of the station.
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
The view of the platform looking back up towards Culcairn. |
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
A close-up of the opening where connections from the points and signals reached the signal box. |
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
More ruins within the yard. |
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
The view looking west towards Burrumbuttock. |
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
Foundations of some of the station buildings. |
Burrumbuttock |
2005 |
A wooden bridge to the east of the location. |
Bygalorie |
2006 |
The view looking east, showing no trace remaining. |
Bygalorie |
2006 |
A stack of new steel sleepers ready to be installed. |
Byron |
2006 |
The view looking up the line. The station was believed to be located on the right in the foreground. |
Byron |
2006 |
The view looking down the line towards Inverell. |
Byron |
2006 |
The view looking north at the former crossing location. |
Caldwell |
2005 |
The view looking south-east at the large rice storage facility.
Caldwell |
2005 |
The view looking south along the line, showing the loading facilities.
Caldwell |
2005 |
The view from the south of the large rice depot.
Caldwell |
2005 |
The sign at the entrance to the complex indicated it has a capacity of
36,500 tonnes.
Califat |
2005 |
The view looking west from the level crossing. |
Calwalla |
2007 |
The view looking east. |
Calwalla |
2007 |
The view looking west. The former station was on the right of the main line. |
Canberra |
2005 |
The view looking back up the line from the eastern end of the platform.
Canberra |
2005 |
Opposite the platform the old No 2 goods siding leads off into the grass.
Canberra |
2005 |
The view looking along the platform towards the end of the line.
Canberra |
2005 |
The road-side approach the the station.
Canberra |
2005 |
The view looking towards the dead end at the western end of the platform.
Carlachy |
2007 |
The view looking south-east towards the former station shows no trace remains. |
Carolgi |
2007 |
The view looking east. No trace remains. |
Carrathool |
2006 |
The view looking south-east. The main platform is visible in the left distance. |
Carrathool |
2006 |
The view looking west beyond the station. |
Cascade |
2006 |
The view looking up the line along the remains of the station, whichis slowly disappearing beneath the vegetation. Note the use of a check rail, due to the curve radius. |
Ceres |
2006 |
The view looking east, with no trace remaining. |
Clear Ridge |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the location. |
Clear Ridge |
2006 |
The view looking south showing the loading bank. The station was located on the right hand side, just beyond the bank. |
Clear Ridge |
2006 |
The remains of the cart weighbridge. The station was located in the middle distance. |
Clergate |
2007 |
The view looking north through the one-time station location. |
Clergate |
2007 |
The view looking towards the former location. The platform was on the left side of the line. |
Colchester |
2006 |
The view looking west shows no trace remains. |
Combaning |
2006 |
Only the silos remain at the location. |
Coobool |
2004 |
A low bridge on the eastern side of Coobool.
Coobool |
2004 |
The view looking east along a low bridge towards Murrabit.
Coobool |
2004 |
The eastern end of the bridge, which still has a refuge for line workers.
Coobool |
2004 |
The view looking west from Coobool where the formation is crossed by
a dirt road.
Coonong |
2006 |
The view looking south through the location. The former station was on the left hand side of the line. |
Coonong |
2006 |
The base of a former water tank, in the western side of the line. |
Coonong |
2006 |
Possible remains under a nearby tree. |
Coorabin |
2006 |
The passenger platform is slowly collapsing. |
Cootamundra North Junction |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the north fork of the junction. Cootamundra station is out of shot in the left distance. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
Recent grazing has revealed the A frame and the disconnected up end of the siding. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
The view looking down over the location. The platform remains are visible in the right centre. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
The crumbling remains of the platform. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
The view looking west along the platform in the direction of Wagga. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
The foundations of some unknown structures at the down end of the yard. |
Coreinbob |
2005 |
The view of the down end of the siding, looking towards Tumbarumba. |
Corobimilla |
2006 |
The view looking east across to the short passenger platform. |
Corobimilla |
2006 |
A three-lever frame within the yard. |
Corobimilla |
2006 |
The view looking north, with a loading bank on the left. The goods siding (left) and loop siding (right) have been lifted. |
Corobimilla |
2006 |
The view looking north. The former station is behind the trees in the right distance. |
Corringle |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the former location. Visible are the weighbridge shed and the loading bank. The station was located directly opposite the bank. |
Corringle |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the loading bank. |
Corringle |
2006 |
The likely remains of the foundations of the one-time station. |
Culcairn |
2005 |
The truncated branch to Corowa. The white stop block can be seen in the distance. |
Culcairn |
2005 |
The stop block where the one-time branch to Corowa is now truncated. |
Cullivel |
2006 |
The entrance to the silo facility at Cullivel. |
Cullivel |
2006 |
The view lookign south from the level crossing towards the silos. |
Cullya |
2007 |
Only a loading bank remains at the location, in this view looking south. |
Cunningar |
2005 |
Grain being stored under tarpaulins adjacent to the main line. |
Curraghmohr |
2005 |
No trace remains. |
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The dead end at the northen end of the branch from Echuca.
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The view looking south from the terminus, showing the goods shed in the left
distance and the turntable pit on the right.
Deniliquin |
2005 |
A closer view of the goods platform and shed.
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The plaque adjacent to the turntable commemorating its relocation from
Inglewood (Victoria).
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the turntable.
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The view looking north-west from next to the goods shed shows the original
passenger platform.
Deniliquin |
2005 |
The view looking east across the yard shows one of the goods loading banks.
Deniliquin |
2006 |
The entrance to the Deniliquin Rice Mill. |
Deniliquin |
2006 |
The rice mill entrance. |
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
The view looking east towards the one-time station location.
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
The crossing indicates that trains have not recently travelled here. The
station location is believed to be on the left.
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
The view looking north of the railway crossing.
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
The view form the down end of the location looking up towards Murrabit.
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
A mound on the north of the line which may be the platform remains.
Dhuragoon |
2004 |
The road-side approach to the crossing, from the north.
Echuca |
2005 |
A plaque commemorating the opening of the new railway bridge over the Murray River. |
Echuca |
2005 |
The view looking north along the new railway bridge over the Murray River. |
Echuca |
2005 |
The road and rail bridges over the Murray. Before the new rail bridge was built, cars and trains shared the road bridge on the left. |
Ettamogah |
2005 |
The view looking south from the station location. |
Ettamogah |
2005 |
The view looking north in the vicinity of the station. |
Eurabba |
2006 |
The view looking north beyond the station. |
Eurabba |
2006 |
The former station sign now adorns a nearby property. |
Euratha |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the former station's location. |
Euratha |
2006 |
Some possible remains from the one-time loop siding. |
Euston |
2006 |
The remains of some trestle supports near Euston. |
Euston |
2006 |
The view looking south over the former combined road/rail bridge. |
Euston |
2006 |
Euston_remains_behind_fence_oposite_60_km_sign. |
Euston |
2006 |
Euston_remains_of_bridge_in_vicinity. |
Fairview |
2006 |
The view looking north through the location. On the left was a loop siding and loading bank. The trees mark the likely location of the platform. |
Fairview |
2006 |
The likely remains of the loading bank. |
Farnham |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station was located on the other side of the level crossing. |
Farnham |
2007 |
The view looking south at the former station location. |
Ferndale |
2006 |
The A lever frame at the eastern end of the location. |
Ferndale |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the silo. |
Ferndale |
2006 |
The view looking east from the B lever frame. |
Ferndale |
2006 |
The view of the silo siding looking west. |
Fernside |
2006 |
The view looking down the line. |
Forest Hill |
2005 |
The loading bank at the up end of the yard, looking back towards Wagga.
Forest Hill |
2005 |
The platform remains is disappearing under long grass, in this view looking
towards Wagga.
Gadara |
2005 |
The view looking south in the direction of Gilmore. |
Gadara |
2005 |
The southern end of the location. |
Gadara |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the possible platform remains. |
Garoolgan |
2006 |
A view of the silos at Garoolgan. |
Gerogery |
2004 |
The view of the platform with Countrylink-style nameboard, from the
adjacent Olympic Way.
Gerogery |
2004 |
The signal box at the up and of the platform.
Girral |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the grain silos. |
Glenroy |
2005 |
The bank in the distance is all that remains of the station. |
Glenroy |
2005 |
A closer view of the platform remains. |
Glenroy |
2005 |
A possible railway structure. |
Glenroy |
2006 |
The remains of a possible platform or loading bank. |
Glenroy |
2006 |
A view of a possibly rail-related structure adjacent to the line. |
Glenroy |
2006 |
The station sign now adorns a nearby property. |
Goobang Junction |
2007 |
The weathered diagram at the junction of the Broken Hill and the line to Narromine. |
Goobang Junction |
2007 |
The junction ground frame, looking west. The branch line to Narromine is on the right. |
Goobang Junction |
2007 |
The ground frame and signal hut, looking east. |
Goobang Junction |
2007 |
The view looking west, where the Narromine branch turns away from the Broken Hill line. |
Goondah |
2005 |
The view looking towards the one-time station location. |
Goondah |
2005 |
The remains of the down platform face have been pushed down the slope. |
Goondah |
2005 |
A closer view of the platform face remains. |
Goondah |
2005 |
The semaphore signal at the down end of the station location. |
Goonumbla |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station was located on the right hand side of the line in the middle distance. |
Goonumbla |
2007 |
The view looking north as a pair of locomotives shunt the grain siding. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
At the southern end of the location, only the base remains of a a ground frame, probably the A Frame. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
Some foundations, probably either the goods or grain shed, near the one-time station location. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
The D (?) lever frame at the down end of the location is still present. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
A closer view of the down end lever frame. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
A view looking over the northern end of the location. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the location. The station was located on the left of the line, with the ruins in the distance being the location of the goods and grain sheds. The structure in the foreground is likely the base of the B Lever Frame. |
Gooramma |
2005 |
The base of an unknown structure. |
Goorawin |
2007 |
The view looking south-east. No trace remains. |
Grawlin Plains |
2006 |
The view looking south. The former station was on the right hand side of the line, in the distance. |
Greenethorpe |
2006 |
The view looking east. The former station was located byond the level crossong on the left hand side. |
Greenethorpe |
2006 |
The view looking west towards Grenfell. |
Groongal |
2006 |
The view looking east. |
Groongal |
2006 |
The view looking west. No trace remains of the one-time station. |
Groongal |
2006 |
Several railway items have been relocated nearby. |
Groongal |
2006 |
The level crossing next to the one-time location. |
Gubbata |
2006 |
The view looking west. The former station was opposite the loading bank visible in the distance. |
Gubbata |
2006 |
A closer view of the loading bank. |
Gubbata |
2006 |
The station name-board has been relocated to the town. |
Gulpa |
2005 |
No trace remains of the one-time station. |
Gulpa |
2005 |
The view looking north towards Deniliquin. |
Gulpa |
2005 |
Possible remains at the siding in the form of a small metal tank. |
Gunebang |
2007 |
The view looking west. The former goods siding and loop line have been lifted. The former station was located opposite the loading bank. |
Gunnedah |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the grain silos and the station. |
Gunnedah West |
2006 |
The coal loading facility at Gunnedah West. |
Gunnedah West |
2006 |
The sign at the entrance to the Whitehaven Coal Loader. |
Gunningbland |
2007 |
The view looking east from the down end of the location. |
Hannan |
2006 |
The view looking east. The former station was located opposite the loading bank. |
Hannan |
2006 |
A closer view of the loading bank and station site (opposite). |
Harman |
2007 |
The view looking south, with no trace remaining. |
Hay |
2006 |
The view of the former carriage at the eastern end of the platform. |
Hay |
2006 |
Several carriages are stored on the main platform. |
Hay |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the goods platform and shed, and jib crane. |
Hay |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the goods shed. |
Hay |
2006 |
The carriages at the station form part of an exhibition. |
Hill Plain |
2005 |
No trace remains of the one-time siding. |
Hill Plain |
2005 |
The level crossing adjacent to the station location. |
Hopefield |
2005 |
Little has changed in the last 20 years, except that the signboard is now gone. |
Hopefield |
2005 |
A view of the silos at the location. |
Hopefield |
2005 |
The view looking towards Corowa of the overgrown station remains. |
Hopefield |
2005 |
Only the concrete base remains of what may have been the goods shed. |
Humula |
2004 |
The remains of the formation where it crosses the road on the way
to Tumbarumba.
Humula |
2004 |
The view looking towards the one-time location. Beyond the tree in the
centre of the shot is a lever frame.
Humula |
2004 |
A closer view of the lever frame.
Humula |
2004 |
The formation as it approaches the station in the up direction.
Humula |
2005 |
One of the ground frames still survives in the yard. |
Humula |
2005 |
The remains of a ground frame. |
Humula |
2005 |
The view looking down over the former stock yards. The turning triangle would have occupied the field on the left beyond the fence. |
Humula |
2005 |
A close-up of the stock loading ramp at the down end of the yard. |
Huntley |
2007 |
The view looking east at the former station location. |
Hurricane Hill |
2005 |
The gravel siding is now buried under the road, with the main line hidden under grass. |
Hurricane Hill |
2005 |
The points and lever at the up end of the loop siding. |
Inveralochy |
2005 |
The view looking west at the level crossing next to the one-time station location. |
Inveralochy |
2005 |
No obvious trace remains in this view looking south.
Jct (Barmedman) |
2006 |
The view looking north to the now-closed junction of the Rankins Springs branch. |
Jct (Barnes) |
2005 |
The view looking north, with the line to Balranald diverging to the left. |
Jct (Barnes) |
2005 |
The plain concrete staff hut adjacent to the junction. |
Jct (Barnes) |
2005 |
The points levers and chains adjacent to the junction. |
Jct (Barnes) |
2005 |
A closer view of the points levers, looking north. |
Jct (Gilmore) |
2005 |
The overgrown remains of the junction just outside Gilmore. The main line curves in from the right, with the branch to Kunama heading straight ahead. The lines pass either side of the small stand of tree in the centre. |
Jct (Tumut Branch) |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the location of the one-time branch to Tumut. The junction was located adjacent to the large tree in the centre. |
Jct (Tumut Branch) |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the location of the one-time branch to Tumut. The junction was located adjacent to the large tree in the centre. |
Jct (Tumut Branch) |
2006 |
A closer view of the junction location. The path of the track can be seen by following the fence line. |
Jct (Tumut Branch) |
2006 |
A closer view of the junction location. The path of the track can be seen by following the fence line. |
Jct (Westby Branch) |
2007 |
The view looking south at the former junction of the line to Westby. The line entered from behind the camera on the left. |
Jeerabung |
2007 |
The view looking east, with the former station location just out of shot on the left. |
Jeerabung |
2007 |
The view looking west. The former station was located just beyond the level crossing. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
The view looking south past the one-time station location. The platform was situated where the signal box now stands, with the up main curving around behind it. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the down end of the location. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
The view looking towards Sydney of from the up end of the location. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
A closer view of the relocated station sign. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
The signal box stands where the island platform once resided. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
The remains of a possible goods platform. |
Jerrawa |
2005 |
A nearby property contains various railway artifacts including one of the station benches. |
Jimaringle |
2005 |
The view looking west towards Balranald. |
Jimaringle |
2005 |
The view looking east along the line. |
Jimaringle |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the level crossing. |
Joppa Junction |
2005 |
The branch to Canberra curves off the the left. The signal box is no more. |
Joppa Junction |
2005 |
The signalling hut and gangers shed stands between the main line and the branch. |
Joppa Junction |
2005 |
The view looking up the line towards the junction. |
Joppa Junction |
2005 |
The view looking down the line towards the junction. The yellow objects are dragging equipment detectors. |
Kamarah |
2006 |
The view looking east. The former station was located just out of frame on the right. |
Kerrs Creek |
2007 |
No trace remains, in this view looking south. |
Kikoira |
2006 |
The location is dominated by a modern GrainCorp silo. |
Kikoira |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the silo. The former station was located on the right hand side of the line in the distance. |
Kikoira |
2006 |
The level crossing at the up end of the yard. |
Klori |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the former station location. |
Klori |
2006 |
The view looking north along the formation. |
Komungla |
2007 |
The view looking north in the vicinity of the former station. |
Koonadan |
2006 |
The view through the location looking west. |
Koonadan |
2006 |
The view through the location looking east. |
Koonadan |
2006 |
The possible remains of a platform to the east of the level crossing. |
Koonadan |
2006 |
The station nameboard now adorns a nearby property. |
Koorakee |
2006 |
The formation in the vicinity of Koorakee is now taken over by a road. |
Koorakee |
2006 |
No trace remains. |
Lake Bathurst |
2005 |
This sign is located about 100m north of the station.
Lake Bathurst |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the station.
Lake Cargelligo |
2006 |
The view looking back form the end of the line. The water tank and turntable are visible on the right of the line. |
Lake Cowal |
2006 |
The view looking south, showing the modern grain silo and the remains of the stock platform. The former station was on the left of the tracks in the distance, |
Lake Cowal |
2006 |
The view looking north showning the stock platform and the remains of the associated yards. |
Lake Cowal |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the station, which was located on the right hand side in the distance. The building on the left is the remains of the weighbridge. |
Lake Cowal |
2006 |
The remains of the cart weighbridge, at the southern end of the yard. |
Lakeview |
2007 |
The virwe looking east. No trace remains. |
Langtree |
2007 |
The view looking south east. The mound on the rioght may be the remains of the loading bank. |
Langunyah |
2005 |
The view looking south. The mound on the left is the remains of a former platform. |
Langunyah |
2005 |
The view from the east of the mound that is all that remains of a platform. |
Leigh |
2006 |
The view looking towards the remains of the platform. |
Leigh |
2006 |
The view looking down the line towards Dorrigo. |
Leniston |
2006 |
The view looking west shows no trace of the one-time station. |
Lockhart |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the new station building. |
Long Park |
2006 |
The view looking down the line towards Oaklands. The former station was on the left of the line, with loop siding on the right. |
Long Park |
20066 |
The view looking back up the line towards The Rock. |
Long Park |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the crossing adjacent to the station location. |
Luadra |
2006 |
The view looking towards Tumut. |
Luadra |
2006 |
The view looking back up the line. |
Luadra |
2006 |
The view looking across towards the location. |
Mairjimmy |
2005 |
The view looking south beyond the location. |
Mairjimmy |
2005 |
The view looking north. The former station was on the right, just beyond the crossing. On the left were goods and loop sidings, now lifted. |
Mairjimmy |
2005 |
The foundations of a lever frame in the grass. |
Mandagery Tank |
2007 |
The view looking east, showing the foundations of the former water tank. |
Mandagery Tank |
2007 |
The foundations (far left) and dam that supplied the tank (right). |
Marinna |
2005 |
The view looking south along the now-truncated silo siding. |
Marinna |
2005 |
The remains of the platform on the grain siding. |
Marinna |
2005 |
The view looking south along the grain siding. |
Marinna |
2005 |
The view looking north across towards the silo. |
Mathoura |
2005 |
The view looking south from the silos towards the station location. |
Mathoura |
2005 |
The grain silos still see occasional traffic, as in this view looking south. |
Mathoura |
2005 |
The view looking north form the grain silos. |
Meehan Street |
2004 |
The view of the Meehan Street crossing, looking back up the line towards
Rossie and Bridge Streets.
Meehan Street |
2004 |
The view looking across the Meehan Street crossing, in the general direction
of the end of the line.
Meehan Street |
2004 |
The view looking down the line. The entracne to Yass yard can be seen in the
Merriwagga |
2007 |
The view looking north-west. The station was located on the far side of the line. |
Merriwagga |
2007 |
The view looking south east towards the silos. |
Micabil |
2007 |
The view looking west. No trace remains. |
Mickibri |
2006 |
The view looking north towards Narromine. |
Mickibri |
2006 |
The view looking across to the silos. The former platform was located on the right, beyond the bush. |
Mickibri |
2006 |
The road-side aproach to the silo. |
Milbrulong |
2006 |
The road approach to the silo facility. The station remains are visible on the left. |
Mingay |
2006 |
The view looking in the direction of Tumut. |
Mingay |
2006 |
The view looking back up the line in the direction of Cootamundra. |
Moama |
2005 |
The view looking south as the track curves towards Echuca having just crossed the border. |
Mobil Siding |
2006 |
The view looking south. |
Moira |
2005 |
No trace remains of the location. |
Moleton |
2006 |
The view looking up the line through the location. The station was located on the right of the track next to the straight section in the centre of frame. The flat area opposite was used for loading logs from the adjacent sawmill. |
Moleton |
2006 |
The view looking north. The station was located out of frame on the right. The concrete bases are likely the remains of a large derrick crane. |
Molonglo |
2007 |
The view looking west at Molonglo. Beyond the grass is the North Shunting Road, serving a number of oil terminals. |
Monomie |
2007 |
The view looking west; no trace remains. |
Moolpa |
2005 |
Only a low mound remains of the facility at Moolpa. |
Moolpa |
2005 |
The remains of some upturned railway wagons. |
Moombooldool |
2007 |
The view looking west from the level crossing. |
Moombooldool |
2006 |
A view of the modern and older silos as the location. |
Moonaran |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the former station location. |
Moonaran |
2006 |
The view looking north. No trace remains of the level crossing. |
Morundah |
2006 |
The remains of the loading bank in the yard. |
Morundah |
2006 |
A view of the large silos at Morundah. |
Morundah |
2006 |
The entrance to the Morundah GrainCorp Silo. |
Morven |
2005 |
The view looking back up the line from the eastern end of the loop. |
Morven |
2005 |
A closer view of the remains of the B lever frame. |
Morven |
2005 |
The mound on the right is all that remains of the station. A loading back was situated directly opposite. |
Morven |
2005 |
The view looking east towards Holbroook from the down end of the location. |
Moss Vale Junction |
2007 |
The view looking north from the northern leg of the triangle junction. |
Moulamein |
2004 |
A view of the track heading west beyond Moulamein.
Moulamein |
2004 |
The remains of the buffer stop at the end of the elevated grain siding.
Moulamein |
2004 |
The main line and grain siding at the western end of the yard.
Moulamein |
2004 |
The main silo at Moulamein.
Moulamein |
2004 |
The grain silo and loading facility at the eastern end of the location.
Mount Horeb |
2005 |
The remains of the gangers shed. |
Mount Horeb |
2005 |
The view looking north across the yard towards the one-time station location. |
Mount Horeb |
2005 |
The view looking south along the overgrown yard. |
Mount Murray |
2007 |
The view looking east towards the station. |
Mount Murray |
2007 |
The small concrete toilet block. |
Mount Murray |
2007 |
The modern brick traffic hut opposite the station. |
Mount Russell |
2006 |
The entrance to the now-closed GrainCorp silo. |
Mugincoble |
2007 |
The view looking back up the line. The platform was located directly opposite the 438km post on the loading bank. |
Mugincoble |
2007 |
The view looking down the line. The station was on the right opposite the loading bank. |
Mugincoble |
2007 |
The level crossing at the down end of the location. |
Mugincoble |
2007 |
Sleepers in the ground are all that remains of the Commonwealth Siding that served the loading bank. |
Mulwala |
2005 |
The view looking through the location of Mulwala, with possible platform remains on the left. |
Mulwala |
2005 |
The view from the rear of the possible remains of the platform. |
Murrabit |
2005 |
The rails from the former line are still visible in the road surface on the
Murrabit |
2005 |
A closer view of the remain rails on the bridge.
Murrabit |
2005 |
The view looking north from Victoria towards the former rail bridge over
the Murray River.
Murrabit |
2005 |
The view looking south from NSW towards the former rail bridge over
the Murray River.
Murrami |
2006 |
The silo complex at Murrami. |
Murrays Flats |
2005 |
No trace remains of the one-time station. |
Nacurrie |
2005 |
The formation and a mound are all that remains.
Nacurrie |
2005 |
A closer view of the formation remains.
Nanardine |
2007 |
The view looking north. No trace remains. |
Nanardine |
2007 |
The station was on the outside of the curve in the middle distance. |
Nanardine |
2007 |
The view looking south showing the likely remains of the goods loading bank. |
Nannong |
2005 |
A small bridge in the vicinity of the station location. |
Nannong |
2005 |
No trace remains of the station. |
Narrandera |
2004 |
A view of the grain silos from the south. |
Narrandera |
2004 |
A view of the grain silos from the north. |
Narrandera |
2004 |
The remains of the cattle loading platform. |
Narriah |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the former station's location. |
Narwonah |
2006 |
The view looking north. The station was located on the right of the line, in the middle distance. |
Narwonah |
2006 |
The large silo that dominated the location. |
Narwonah |
2006 |
The road-side approach to the grain silo. |
Nashdale |
2007 |
The view looking east at the location of Nashdale. |
Nashdale |
2007 |
The view looking west at the location of Nashdale. |
Nelungaloo |
2007 |
The view looking east through the location. |
Nelungaloo |
2007 |
The view looking north towards the silo that is the only structure still present. |
Nemingah |
2006 |
The grain loading facility at Nemingah. |
New Park |
2006 |
The view looking north. The platform was located on the left hand side of the line, with a loop siding on the right. |
New Park |
2006 |
The view looking south towards Tocumwal. |
New Park |
2006 |
The level crossing just to the south of the location. |
New Park |
2006 |
Some possible remains at the location. |
New Park |
2006 |
A closer view of possibly the platform remains. |
Newnes Oil Works |
2005 |
Ruined buildings near the end of the Newnes branch.
Newnes Oil Works |
2005 |
Ruined buildings near the end of the Newnes branch.
Newnes Oil Works |
2005 |
Ruined buildings near the end of the Newnes branch.
North Borambil |
2007 |
The view looking east. The former station was located in the middle distance. |
North Casino |
2006 |
The view looking down the line. The station was on the right, in the foreground. Opposite was a loop siding with a loading bank and stockyards. |
North Casino |
2006 |
The view looking back towards Casino. |
North Yass |
2006 |
The view looking south, with no trace remaining. |
Nubba |
2005 |
The view looking west as a hi-rail truck passes the one-time station location. |
Nubba |
2005 |
The station location. The formation on the right is probably where the up main curved around behind the island platform. There was a goods siding on the opposite side of the line. |
Nubba |
2005 |
A hi-rail truck heads passes the level crossing at the up end of the location, heading towards Sydney. |
Nubba |
2005 |
The level crossing at the up end of the location. |
Nurla |
2006 |
The view looking down the line at the former loation. |
Nurla |
2006 |
The view of the level crossing adjacent to the former cream stage. |
Nurla |
2006 |
The view looking back up the line towards Wagga. |
Oakhill Crossing |
2005 |
The view looking north from the crossing location. |
Oakhill Crossing |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the crossing. The points lever controlled the nearby BP Siding. |
Oakhill Crossing |
2005 |
A closer view of the BP Siding lever frame. |
Old Casino |
2008 |
The view looking east towards Old Casino station (on the left). |
Oolong |
2005 |
The view looking down the line away from the station location. |
Oolong |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the station location. The side platforms were located several hundred metres beyond the level crossing. A goods siding was located on the left hand side, extending back towards the crossing. |
Oolong |
2005 |
The Oolong Road level crossing, at the down end of the location. |
Orange East Fork |
2007 |
The view looking across to the East Fork signal box. |
Orange East Fork |
2007 |
The view looking towards the function. The line on the left is the Broken Hill line, while that on the right is the Main West. |
Orange North Fork |
2007 |
The view looking south at the North Fork junction. |
Orange Showground |
2007 |
No trace remains at the location. |
Orange West Fork |
2007 |
The view looking east from the West Fork junction. The line on the left leads to Orange and the Main West. On the right, the line leads to Sydney. |
Orelda |
2005 |
The view of the short platform, looking in the direction of Corowa. |
Orelda |
2005 |
A closer view of the simple platform. |
Oreston |
2006 |
The view looking down the line towards Boorowa. |
Oreston |
2006 |
The view looking up the line towards Galong. |
Oreston |
2006 |
The view looking north towards the former level crossing. |
Parkes |
2007 |
The large set of grain silos at the Parkes Grain Service Centre. |
Perekerten |
2005 |
The view looking west toward a mound that may have been a platform. |
Perekerten |
2005 |
The remains of a shelter, looking east. |
Perekerten |
2005 |
A closer view of the shelter remains. |
Perekerten |
2005 |
The remains of a cattle loading ramp. |
Pinecliffe |
2007 |
The view looking east in the vicinity of the former station. |
Pucawan |
2006 |
The view of the silo area looking west. |
Pucawan |
2006 |
The view looking west across the line to the silos. |
Puggoon |
2007 |
The view looking north at the former station location. No trace remains. |
Quandary |
2006 |
The view looking west through the location. The one-time statio was located on the right of the track in the middle distance. |
Quandary |
2006 |
The view looking towards the silo, with a set of grain wagons in the siding. |
RAAF Wagga Wagga |
2005 |
The view looking west of the junction with the RAAF siding.
RAAF Wagga Wagga |
2005 |
The view looking towards the terminus of the short dead end siding.
Red Bend |
2007 |
The view looking south through the location. |
Red Bend |
2007 |
The large silo complex adjacent to the main line. |
Red Bend |
2007 |
The entrance to the grain silos. |
Reka |
2005 |
The view looking up the line. |
Reka |
2005 |
The view looking down the line. |
Rennie |
2005 |
The view looking north through the yard.
Rennie |
2005 |
The view looking south through the yard.
Roach |
2006 |
The view loking west. No trace remains. |
Roach |
2006 |
The level crossing adjacent to the one-time location. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the station. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The view looking north with the old and new bridges visible inthe distance. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The view looking north beyond the station. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The elevated water tank. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
A closer view of the water tank and column. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The view looking north over the bridge that once carried road and rail traffic into NSW. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The old bridge in the foreground with the partially constructed replacement behind it. |
Robinvale |
2006 |
The view from the east of the former combined road/rail bridge over the Murray River. |
Rosewood |
2004 |
The approach to the railway crossing which was adjacent to the station.
The platform was on the left hand side.
Rosewood |
2004 |
The worn sign warning of the level crossing.
Rosewood |
2004 |
The view looking up the line towards Wagga Wagga.
Rosewood |
2004 |
The view looking down the line at the station remains. The platform
bank is on the left.
Rosewood |
2004 |
The low bank is all that remains of the station.
Rosewood |
2005 |
A view of the location taken from the west. |
Rosewood |
2005 |
A close-up of the location taken form the west. |
Rosewood |
2006 |
A view of the platform remains. |
Rosewood |
2006 |
A closer view of the remains of the platform. |
Roslyn |
2005 |
A closer view of the goods loading bank.
Rossi Street |
2005 |
The up end of the bridge over the Yass River.
Rossi Street |
2005 |
The view of the down end of the bridge.
Rossi Street |
2005 |
The view looking up the line as the track approaches the bridge.
Rossi Street |
2005 |
A close-up of the fenced-off entrance the to bridge.
Rossi Street |
2004 |
The road-side view of the former crossing.
Rossi Street |
2004 |
The approach to the Rossi Street crossing, looking towards the terminus.
Rossi Street |
2004 |
The view looking towards Rossi Street, after the track has crossed the
nearby river.
Rossi Street |
2004 |
The view looking towards Rossi Street, in the direction of Yass Junction.
Rossi Street |
2004 |
The view looking across the Rossi Street crossing, in the general direction
of the end of the line.
Rossi Street |
2005 |
The view looking down the line as the track approaches the bridge.
Royalla |
2004 |
A view of the staff hut on the platform.
Royalla |
2004 |
Some rolling stock at the northern end of the yard.
Royalla |
2004 |
A close-up view of the staff hut.
Royalla |
2004 |
Another view of the rolling stock and the northern end of the platform.
Sangar |
2005 |
The silos at Sangar, with a fleet of trucks waiting to collect grain. |
Sangar |
2005 |
A closer view of the silos, with grain being loaded onto a truck in the silo siding. |
School Gates |
2005 |
The location of the School Gates halt, taken from the west. |
Shaws |
2006 |
The view looking north at the likely remains of the platform. |
Sheahan |
2005 |
The level crossing just to the north of the location. |
Sheahan |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the location of the stage. |
Sheahan |
2005 |
A closer view of the probable location of the one-time stage. |
Shell Siding |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the siding location. |
Shell Siding |
2005 |
The view looking south from the adjacent level crossing site. |
Shell Siding |
2005 |
A closer view of the siding location. |
Sloane |
2005 |
A view of the silo complex at Sloane. |
Sloane |
2005 |
A closer view of the 2 large silos served by the siding. |
Sloane |
2005 |
The siding features steel sleepers. |
Sloane |
2005 |
A shed and bogie-less wagon at the south end of the yard. |
Snowy Junction |
2009 |
The view of the short platform near the former junction to the Snowy Mountains Sidings. |
South Gundagai |
2005 |
The view of of points lever and track at the up end of the location. |
South Gundagai |
2005 |
The view looking south through the one-time location. |
South Wunnamurra |
2006 |
The view looking south towards Tocumwal. |
South Wunnamurra |
2006 |
The view looking north towards Narrandera. |
South Wunnamurra |
2006 |
Only the kilometre post is visible near the location. |
Southdown |
2006 |
The view looking north from the level crossing. No trace remains. |
Springdale |
2006 |
The view looking east. On the left was a tank, loading bank, goods and loop sidings. On the right was a platform and signal box. |
St Clements |
2005 |
The view looking east at the railway crossing. St Clements platform was out of sight on the left. |
St Clements |
2005 |
The one-time short wooden platform was located somewhere the gate. |
St Clements |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Galong. |
St Clements |
2005 |
The view looking west. The stone wall on the right borders a cemetery which stands opposite the one-time location. |
St Michaels |
2005 |
The location of St Michaels platform; the former convent was located behind the car. |
St Michaels |
2005 |
The sleeper platform was located in the long grass on the right hand side of the line. This is the view looking towards Boorowa. |
St Michaels |
2005 |
The view looking back towards Galong. The original junction with the Main South before deviation was located in the middle distance. |
Stony Crossing |
2004 |
The location of a low bank which appears to be all that remains of the
one-time station.
Stony Crossing |
2004 |
The view looking east with the embankment on the right.
Stony Crossing |
2004 |
The view looking west.
Stony Crossing |
2004 |
A low mound which may be the remains of a goods bank.
Store Creek |
2007 |
The view looking south to the former station location. No trace remains today. |
Strathaird |
2005 |
The name is still visible on the station nameboard.
Strathaird |
2005 |
The rear view of the small shelter on the platform. The goods platform is
visible opposite.
Strathaird |
2005 |
The view looking across to the station from the loading bank.
Sulcor |
2006 |
The view looking south as the formation curves in from the left to run parallel with the road. |
Supertex Siding |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the southern end of the siding. The points lever is visible to the left of the tree. |
Supertex Siding |
2005 |
A closer view of the points lever at the up end. |
Supertex Siding |
2005 |
The remains of a loading platform on the siding. |
Supertex Siding |
2005 |
The view looking north of the northern end of the siding. |
Tabbita |
2007 |
The view looking north-west towards the silos. The station was located on the right hand side of the line. |
Taleeban |
2006 |
The view looking east. The station was located directly opposite the loading bank. |
Taleeban |
2006 |
A closer view of the loading bank. |
Tamboolba |
2005 |
The view looking east from the adjacent road crossing shows no sign of the station. |
Tamboolba |
2005 |
Little trace remains, in this view looking down through the location. |
Tamboolba |
2005 |
The station signboard has been moved to a nearby property. |
Tantonan |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the remains of the platform. |
Tantonan |
2007 |
A closer view of the mound that is all that remains of the platform. |
Tharbogang |
2007 |
The view looking west towards the silos. |
Tharbogang |
2007 |
The view looking east towards the silos. |
The Rock |
2005 |
The view looking across at the station. |
Three Mile Tank |
2006 |
The foundations of the tank are on the right hand side of the small tree in the distance. |
Three Mile Tank |
2006 |
A closer view of the tank foundations on the right of the line. |
Three Mile Tank |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the base of the tank. |
Thulloo |
2006 |
The view looking west. The mound on the right is all that remains of the station. |
Thulloo |
2006 |
The remains of the weighbridge at the up end of the location. |
Thulloo |
2006 |
A closer view of the weighbridge remains. |
Thulloo |
2006 |
The station name-board is now on an adjacent property. |
Thyra |
2007 |
The view looking east. The former siding was on the right. |
Thyra |
2007 |
The remains of a platform. |
Thyra |
2007 |
Some unidentified remains, about 100m from the former siding location. |
Thyra |
2007 |
The view looking east towards the former siding location. |
Thyra |
2007 |
The view looking south at the level crossing at the western end of the location. |
Tocumwal |
2005 |
The view looking north over the location of the former dual-gauge
trans-shipment yards.
Tocumwal |
2005 |
The view looking north along the broad gauge platform.
Tocumwal |
2005 |
The view looking south from the station. The track curves away in the
distance before crossing the Murray River into Victoria.
Tocumwal |
2005 |
The southern approach to the station. The area to the left is used for
container trans-shipment.
Tocumwal Bridge |
2005 |
The view of the bridge from the NSW side of the Murray River. |
Tocumwal Bridge |
2005 |
The view of the bridge for south-bound trains. |
Tocumwal Bridge |
2005 |
A closer view of the bridge superstructure. |
Tomingley West |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station site is on the right in the distance. |
Tomingley West |
2007 |
The view looking north towards the grain silos. |
Trewilga |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the possible remains of the one-time platform. |
Tyumba |
2006 |
The station sign is now on a nearby property. |
Umbango Creek |
2005 |
The view looking across at the remains of the platform. |
Umbango Creek |
2005 |
The view looking down the line past the station remains. |
Umbango Creek |
2005 |
The rear view of the station, showing the supports for the station building. |
Umbango Creek |
2005 |
Only a mound remains of the station itself. |
Uppingham |
2006 |
The view looking west. The station was possibly located somewhere on the right hand side of the track. |
Urana |
2006 |
The road entrance to the silo facility. |
Uranagong |
2006 |
The view looking south. The one-time station was located on the left hand side of the line. |
Uranagong |
2006 |
The view looking north towards Urana. |
Uranagong |
2006 |
The view looking west. The station was on the left foreground. |
Urangeline East |
2005 |
Only the posts for the name board remain of the station. |
Urangeline East |
2005 |
The view looking west towards the silos on the grain siding. |
Urangeline East |
2005 |
The view looking east towards the silos. |
Urangeline East |
2005 |
The points levers at the down end of the loop siding. |
Urangeline East |
2005 |
The points levers at the up end of the location, looking towards Henty. |
Uranquinty |
2005 |
The road-side view of the modern concrete signal box. |
Uranquinty |
2005 |
The looking past the platform to the silos. |
Uranquinty |
2005 |
A closer view of the large silo complex. |
Wait-A-While |
2005 |
The view looking west shows only a small water tank near the loation of the
one-time station.
Wait-A-While |
2005 |
A second water tank, in the view looking west.
Wait-A-While |
2005 |
A close-up of the water tank, possibly the remains from the station.
Wakool |
2005 |
The view looking east of the rotting station building. |
Wakool |
2005 |
The view looking east through the yard. |
Wakool |
2005 |
The remains of the goods shed and platform. |
Wakool |
2005 |
The view looking west at the goods platform and goods shed.. |
Wakool |
2005 |
The silos and siding at the eastern end of the yard. |
Walla Walla |
2005 |
The road-side approach to the silos. |
Walla Walla |
2005 |
The view looking towards Corowa of the down end of the yard. |
Walla Walla |
2005 |
The view looking back towards Culcairn along the silo siding. |
Wallangarra |
2006 |
The state border, with NSW on the left and Queensland on the right. |
Wallangarra |
2006 |
The view looking south across the state border, marked on the platform. |
Wallangarra |
2006 |
A railway-themed tourist information sign opposite the station. |
Wambidgee |
2005 |
The view looking towards Tumut. The platform bank is visible on the right hand side of the track. |
Wamboyne |
2006 |
The view looking northh. On the left is the cart weighbridge hut. Beyond this were a loop siding and loading bank on the left, with the station opposite. |
Wamboyne |
2006 |
The view looking north of the probable station remains. |
Wamboyne |
2006 |
The remains of the weighbridge hut, atthe the southern end of the location. |
Wamboyne |
2006 |
The remains of the supports for the points and signal wires. |
Wangamong |
2005 |
The view looking north of the silos and shed. |
Wangamong |
2005 |
The view looking north of the steel silos on the silo siding. |
Wangamong |
2005 |
The GrainCorp sign at the entrance to the silo. |
Wangamong |
2005 |
The north end of the location. |
Warburn |
2007 |
The view looking back up the line towards Griffith. |
Wargambegal |
2006 |
The view looking west showing no trace remaining. |
Wargin |
2006 |
The view looking east, showing the remains of the loading bank. |
Wargin |
2006 |
The view looking west towards the silo. |
Wargin |
2006 |
The former station signboard is now on a nearby property. |
Warnecliffe |
2007 |
The view looking north towards the former station location. |
Warragoon |
2005 |
The view looking north of the silo complex. |
Warragoon |
2005 |
A closer view of the large silos. |
Warragoon |
2005 |
The sign outside the entrance to the GrainCorp silo. |
Warragoon |
2005 |
A storage shed at the south end of the yard. |
Warragoon |
2005 |
The southern entrance to the yard, looking towards Yarrawonga. |
Warrangong |
2006 |
The view looking up the line. The station was located in the left foreground. |
Warrangong |
2006 |
The view looking down the line beyond the station location. |
Warrangong |
2006 |
The view looking west through the level crossing. The former station was location on the right hand side, on the far side of the line. |
Warrobil |
2007 |
The view looking north at the overgrown station location. |
Warrobil |
2007 |
The remains of a platform. |
Warrobil |
2007 |
The view from the nearby level crossing towards the station location, next to the bushes in the middle distance. |
Watertank |
2006 |
No trace remains of the former water tank. |
Webbs |
2006 |
The view looking east. The one-time siding and platform was located just beyond the level crossing. |
Webbs |
2006 |
The view looking west beyond the location towards Narromine. |
Weeamera |
2005 |
The overgrown track in the vicinity of the one-time station. |
Weethalle |
2006 |
The approach to the station from the north. |
Weja |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the silo complex. |
Werai |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the former station location. Werai was a pair of outside platforms located just before the start of the curve. The post on the right was a former Distant Up signal. |
Werai |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station was located on both sides of the line just beyond the traffic hut in the foreground. |
Wereboldera |
2005 |
The view looking south towards the location of the station. |
Wereboldera |
2005 |
The points levers at the northern end of the Goods loop siding. |
Wereboldera |
2005 |
A closer view of the station. The platform was located on the left of the main line, with a loading bank on the right of the loop siding. |
Wereboldera |
2005 |
A small platform constructed my the now-defunct Moutain High Railway Company in the late 1980s. It was used to detrain passengers on Tumut-Wereboldera-Tumut shuttles for a picnic/swim/BBQ in the summer months. |
Werimble |
2006 |
The view looking east. |
Werimble |
2006 |
The view looking west. |
Werimble |
2006 |
The view looking south through where the line would have crossed the road. |
West Tamworth |
2006 |
The view looking south into the freight centre. |
West Tamworth |
2006 |
The road entrance to the freight centre. |
Westby |
2005 |
A close-up view of the station building.
Westby |
2005 |
Another view of the well-preserved station building.
Whiporie |
2008 |
The remains of a loading back south of the level crossing. |
Widgelli |
2006 |
The view looking west. |
Widgiewa |
2006 |
The small signal hut at the up end of the platform. |
Williams Gates |
2006 |
The view looking north. |
Williamsdale |
2007 |
The view looking west at the level crossing, with the station location out of sight on the left. |
Williamsdale |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the station location. |
Williamsdale |
2007 |
The view looking across to the former loading bank. |
Williamsdale |
2007 |
The remains of a gangers hut. |
Willie Ploma |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Tumut. |
Willie Ploma |
2005 |
The view looking back up the line towards Cootamundra. |
Winnunga |
2006 |
The view looking west through the one-time location. |
Wirrinya |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the yard. |
Wirrinya |
2006 |
The rear of the loading bank. |
Wirrinya |
2006 |
The water tank and modern staff hut. |
Wirrinya |
2006 |
The water tank is dwarfed by the large silo complex. |
Wolseley Park |
2005 |
The view looking south towards Tumbarumba. |
Wolseley Park |
2005 |
The view looking north towards Wagga. The platform was located on the left hand side of the line. |
Wolseley Park |
2005 |
The level crossing adjacent to the one-time location. |
Womboota |
2005 |
The view looking west past the silos. |
Wongarbon |
2007 |
The view looking north. The station was on the left with a Loop and Goods siding opposite. |
Wumbulgal |
2006 |
The view looking south of the level crossing and adjacent control hut. |
Wumbulgal |
2006 |
The view looking back up the line reveals no trace of the one-time station. |
Wunnamurra |
2007 |
No trace remains in this view looking south. |
Wyanga |
2007 |
The view looking south. The station was on the right in the middle distance. |
Wyanga |
2007 |
The view looking south towards the GrainCorp silos. |
Wybalena |
2005 |
The view looking from the western end of the location. |
Wybalena |
2005 |
The view looking from thew eastern end of the location. |
Wybalena |
2005 |
The signal and points levers at the western end of the siding. |
Wybalena |
2005 |
A closer view of the points levers at the western end of the siding. |
Wyrra |
2006 |
The view looking south towards the former station location. |
Wyrra |
2006 |
A closer view of the station location. The station was located on the right, with a goods siding and loading bank on the left. |
Yallakool |
2005 |
The mound on the right is the possible remains of the one-time platform. |
Yallakool |
2005 |
The view looking south over the level crossing. |
Yallakool |
2005 |
The view looking west beyond the level crossing. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
A view of the water tower. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The view looking across the turntable towards the water tower. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
A side on view of the turntable. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The view looking along the fenced off station shelter area. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
A close-up view of the station building, overshadowed by a set of grain silos. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The road-side view of the locked up station building. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The now-closed station is dominated by the adjacent silos. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The view looking along the silo siding. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The view from the Vistorian side of the border where the line crosses into NSW. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The border crossing is a narrow causeway over the murray RIver. |
Yarrawonga |
2005 |
The causeway where the line crosses into NSW. |
Yass Junction |
2004 |
The view of the actual junction, with the former branch track disappearing
into the grass.
Yass Junction |
2004 |
The view looking towards the junction along the back of platform 2.
Yass Town |
2004 |
The entrance to Yass yard, now a museum.
Yeo Yeo |
2006 |
The view looking east towards the former station location. |
Yeo Yeo |
2006 |
The view looking west beyond the station. |
Yeo Yeo |
2006 |
The crossing adjacent to the one-time location. |
Yoogali |
2006 |
The view looking west towards Griffith. |
Youngareen |
2006 |
The view looking east. The former station was located opposite the loading bank. |