NSW Railway Photos owned by Paul Bech

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Barnes 2002 The lever frame and pulleys which control the signal and points at the junction of the Balranald line, which branches off to the left.
Blue Cow unknown A view of the train stopped at Blue Cow station.
Blue Cow unknown A view of a train stopped at Blue Cow station.
Boronia No 5 Tunnel 1980 An unidentified 442-class loco hauls a passenger train up Cowan Bank past the portal of the abandoned Boronia No 5 Tunnel.
Bullocks Flat 2001 The view looking out the tunnel on the way down to Bullocks Flat.
Carcoar 2005 The view looking north along the platform.
Carcoar Tunnel 2005 The northern portal of the tunnel.
Craboon 1998 The view of the overgrown formation looking away from the junction at Craboon.
Dubbo East Junction 1998 The highway crossing about 1km from the junction.
Lucasville 2005 The view of the one-time "top points" junction. The middle road climbed up from the left, with the top road heading off to the right to the original Glenbrook station.
Lucasville 2005 The cutting for the top road, down the line towards Glenbrook.
Lucasville 2005 The remains of Lucasville Platform, looking towards the dead end.
Lucasville 2005 The view looking down over the Knapsack bridge, the original rail bridge, with the current railway bridge in the distance. The freeway is visible beyond the trees in the left foreground.
Merriwa 1988 Merriwa Station looking up the line in the direction of Sandy Hollow.
Moama 2002 The station building has now been removed. Only the wooden-face platform remains.
Muttama 2005 The road has well and truly cut the track at the northern end of the loop.
Newnes No 2 Tunnel 1986 North of Deane, the line passes through two tunnels. This is the northern entrance to Tunnel No 2. Today it is well-known for its collection of glow worms.
Nimmitabel 2001 The view looking south the the station area.
Perisher 2001 The interior at Perisher station.
Powerhouse Museum unknown A transitional shot during the Darling Harbour removal. The goods line tracks are still present, albeit truncated in the distance. The Sydney light rail has not yet been constructed but the monorail is in use.
Tumbarumba 2005 The platform remains and elevated water tnk.
Wallangarra 1988 A shot of part of the dual gauge triangle in the yard. This is at the top of the wye, with the main line running from the south (left) to the north (right) in the background. The south leg on the left is standard gauge. The narrow gauge south leg is visible just behind the person standing on the rail.