NSW Railway Photos owned by Roger Crawford

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Queanbeyan 2006 The turntable is still used to turn steam locomotives.
Queanbeyan 2006 The view looking down the line beyond the station. The small cabin encloses the F Frame. The signals control the former main line to Bombala (left) and the branch line to Canberra (right). On the far right is the remains of the stock loading platform.
Queanbeyan 2006 A side-on view of the F Frame signal box, with the gangers shed behind.
Queanbeyan 2006 A closer view of the former stock loading platform.
Queanbeyan 2006 The view looking towards Canberra. On the left is the loading bank and goods platforms, with the stock platform on the right. The goods platform once had a goods shed on it.
Queanbeyan 2006 The view looking across the car park towards the station.
Queanbeyan 2006 The water column at the up end of the platform. Behind it is the former dock platform.
Queanbeyan 2006 The view looking down the platform in the direction of Bombala.
Queanbeyan 2006 The view looking across towards the station.
Queanbeyan 2006 The shed on the siding leading towards the turntable.