NSW Railway Photos owned by Stephen Bennetts

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Bell 2005 The view looking west towards the Sydney end of Bell platforms. The workers are surveyors and other RIC personnel preparing for upcoming trackwork.
Bell 2004 The view approaching the western end of the platforms at Bell from the front of a Sydney-bound service.
Blackheath 2004 The view looking along the platform towards Sydney. The object on the tracks in the distance is a Hi-Rail vehicle.
Blackheath 2004 The view from the footbridge looking towards Lithgow.
Blackheath 2004 The crossing arms are lowered as an up train approaches the crossing near Blackheath station.
Blackheath 2005 The view approaching the Sydney end of Blackheath station on a west-bound service.
Blackheath 2004 A mural on the eastern end of the station building advertising the annual Rhododenron festival.
Blackheath 2004 A photo of the original painting on the Sydney end of the station building at Blackheath. This was taken almost a year before Vern Treweeke repainted it.
Blacktown 2005 The view approaching platform 1 on a Sydney bound service.
Blaxland 2004 The view looking down on Platform 2 and the Down Main from overhead bridge.
Blaxland 2005 The view from the footbridge after the station was upgraded in 2005 as part of the Easy Access program. The walkway and stairs are now all covered and signage has been modernised.
Blaxland 2004 The view looking down the Up Main along platform 1 (roughly east).
Blaxland 2005 The view looking along the platform after its upgrade to an 'Easy Access Station' during 2005. The platform has been resurfaced and all gardens removed except for the old Banksia tree near the western end of the building. Tactile tiles have been installed on the platform edges, the waiting room floor was lowered to enable wheelchair access as well as an easy access toilet installed. Also prominent are the tops of the lift towers to the platforms and to Wilson Way (up side) and the covered walkways and stairs.
Blaxland 2005 A photo showing the new lift to Wilson Way on the up side of Blaxland station. The stairs and footbridge have also had roofing installed.
Blaxland 2005 A photo of Blaxland Station taken from the footbridge over the Great Western Highway near the shops. It is looking at Platfrom 2 and the Down Main, and shows the new covered walkways and stairs, as well as the tops of the lift towers to the platforms and Wilsons Way on the far side. Access to the shops remains by way of a ramp leading from the bridge over the highway.
Bullaburra 2004 The view approaching the western end of the station.
Bullaburra 2004 The view of the Down Main and side of platform 2 from near the Great Western Highway.
Bullaburra 2004 The view from the overbridge looking down onto platform 1 and the Up Main. Bullaburra is an unmanned station although there is a staff member there between 0550 and 1040 Monday to Friday to perform safeworking (Right of Way) duties for 6 and 8 cars trains during the peak times.
Bullaburra 2004 The view looking away from Sydney along platform 1.
Central 2005 The clocktower above Central Station taken from platform 6.
Circular Quay 2005 The view from platform 2 looking towards platform 1 and the St James end of platforms (eastern end).
Circular Quay 2005 A view showing Circular Quay Station from the front side. The photo was taken from across the harbour at Milsons Point, underneath the Harbour Bridge.
Clarendon 2005 A view of the Clarendon level crossing and station looking towards Sydney.
Clyburn 2005 The view looking west along the platform. The one-time footbridge at the near end has been removed.
Clyburn 2005 The view looking east along the platform towards Sydney.
Doonside 2005 The view from the rear of a Blue Mountains train looking east towards the station.
East Richmond 2005 Photo shows East Richmond level crossing and station looking towards Sydney.
Emu Plains 2005 The view from the front of a City-bound V Set looking in an easterly direction through the box girder bridge over the Nepean River at Emu Plains. The original bridge can be seen to the right of the rail bridge and is now carries the road traffic over the river.
Faulconbridge 2004 The view looking across the Great Western Highway of the station and footbridge.
Faulconbridge 2005 A view looking across towards Faulconbridge station looking along highway away from Sydney. (View is roughly south west and shows Sydney end of platform).
Faulconbridge 2005 A view of the level crossing at Faulconbridge taken from the rear of a Sydney bound train. To the left of photo can be seen the Comms Hut which has been painted by April Keogh with a painting of Henry Parkes first house in Faulconbridge which is located nearby.
Faulconbridge 2005 A view of the level crossing at Faulconbridge taken from the rear of a Katoomba-bound train.
Faulconbridge 2005 A night-time photo taken from the Sydney end of Faulconbridge platform 1 facing in a southerly direction looking along the Up main. The footbridge over the highway is visible in right of photo.
Glenbrook 2004 The view from the down end of the station, with a pair of inter-urban trains sets passing through.
Glenbrook 2004 The view looking along the up platform from the footbridge at the Sydney end.
Glenbrook 2005 The lever frame in the old signal box.
Glenbrook Tunnel 2005 The western portal of the in-use Glenbrook Tunnel.
Glenbrook Tunnel 2005 A photo of the eastern portal of Glenbrook tunnel.
Granville 2005 A view of Granville signal box. Boral Concrete located on Parramatta Rd can be seen in the right of photo.
Granville 2005 A view of the Sydney end of Granville station, taken from the front of a Mount Victoria bound V Set.
Granville 2005 The western end of Granville station from a drivers point of view. The photo is taken from rear of a Blue Mountains train looking east.
Harris Park 2005 The driver's view of the western end of the station.
Harris Park 2005 The junction of the Western line (left) and the Y link from Merrylands (right) at Harris Park. The bridge over the railway is Western Freeway flyover.
Hartley Vale 2005 The view looking in the direction of Sydney of the location of the one-time station.
Hartley Vale 2005 The view looking west of the location of the one-time station.
Hazelbrook 2004 Approaching the western end of the platforms at Hazelbrook from the front of an Up service from Lithgow.
Hazelbrook 2004 Hazelbrook station building and passengers waiting on platform 1 for the train to Sydney.
Hazelbrook 2005 A view of Hazelbrook taken from Sydney end of platform 1, facing west along the Up Main.
Hazelbrook 2005 A photo of Hazelbrook Station taken just after sunset. The picture was taken facing towards Sydney looking down over platform 2 and Down Main from the road bridge over station.
Katoomba 2005 A photo of a photo hanging in a corridor of the Carrington Hotel at Katoomba. The inscription under photo reads "Katoomba Turntable and Carrington Hotel circa 1890".
Katoomba 2004 The view approaching the western end of the platforms at Katoomba from the front of an Up service from Lithgow. The photo shows cars on Yeoman Bridge over the station. The line of the left is the Up Refuge loop, with the second building along the platform being the signal box.
Katoomba 2005 A view of Katoomba Signal Box taken from Great Western Highway looking south at the station. The old goods shed can be seen behind on the left of photo.
Katoomba 2005 A photo of Katoomba Station taken from Yeoman Bridge over the western end of the platforms. The photo is taken looking in an easterly direction.
Kingswood 2005 The view looking west of the Sydney end of the station, from the rear of a Sydney-bound train.
Lapstone 2004 Lapstone station looking back towards Sydney. The Up Main and Platform 1 are on the left.
Lapstone 2005 A photo taken from platform 2 looking across at platform 1 and along the tracks in an up direction (actually northerly direction here).
Lapstone 2005 A view looking in a down (southerly) direction, with platform 1 on the right.
Lapstone 2005 The view from platform 2 looking in a down (southerly) direction, showing platform 1 and the station building.
Lapstone 2005 The view looking down across platform 2, with its large flowering Jacaranda tree.
Lawson 2004 The view from the eastern end of the station. From left to right, the tracks are the Down Main, Up Main and Up Refuge Loop.
Lawson 2004 The view looking west along platform 2.
Lawson 2004 The view approaching the western end of the station from the front of an Up service from Lithgow. A down service V-Set is alongside platform 2.
Lawson 2004 The lever frame and signal diagram in the old Lawson signal box.
Lawson 2004 A close-up of the signal diagram.
Lawson 2004 The electrical substation located west of Lawson station, which can be seen in the distance. This substation caught fire in 2003 causing some disruptions to Cityrail services for a number of days. Only one electric train was allowed in the section between Springwood and Wentworth Falls on the down main at a time until repairs were made. The roof is still missing on part of the building furthest from camera.
Lawson 2005 A view of the Down Main and platform 2 at Lawson. Also visible on right side of picture is the end of the down siding, now only used occasionally to store track machines when waiting to start or be collected after trackwork.
Leura 2005 A view of platform 1 and the Up Main looking towards Sydney (easterly direction). This photo was taken from the area that was previously the location of the up sidings, long removed. This photo was taken just after a heavy shower of rain that washed away what was left of the heavy snowfalls from earlier that morning.
Leura 2005 The view looking down from the footbridge towards Katoomba (westerly direction) which can be seen in the top left of photo. Platform 2 on left and Platform 1 and up main on right.
Linden 2005 A photo taken looking in a westerly direction showing the Sydney end of platform and buildings at Linden and the tight radius of the curve it is built on. To the right and centre rear of the photo, the homes of residents of Linden can be seen through the maze of overhead wires and staunchions.
Linden 2005 A photo taken looking in an Easterly direction along platform 1 and the Up main. The grassed area to the left of the photo is the approximate location of the long removed Up sidings and refuges, the first of which dated back to 1881-82. These were built to ease delays in the long section of single line track between Springwood and Lawson.
Linden 2005 A photo of an old water tank at Linden. It is located in overgrown bush between the Down Main and the Great Western Highway. There is almost no noticable sign of its existence of location from either the highway or the railway. This view shows the south and western sides of the tank, the hills seen forming the horizon on the right of the photo are the eastern side of the ridge running north-south known as the Woodford Bends. Acording to the ARHS Bulletin no. 241 - Nov 1957 a water tank was built in 1885 and on the diagrams illustrating the article the location shown is very close to where the Brick sided concrete lined tank in the photo is found today.
Linden 2005 Another view of the tank found between the rail line and the highway at Linden. This photo is taken looking north east towards the station. The metal framework seen in the photo has an old pulley attached which faces in the direction of the cutting between Linden Station and the highway. This cutting was used to access the single line platform from the south side until the line was duplicated in 1902, when a new island was constructed. A footbridge was provided from the end of the cutting over the line to the platforms.
Linden 2005 The view looking west towards Linden station from the approximate location of where the old Station Masters house was built. The cleared area was once the location of the Up crossing loops and sidings, dating back to 1881-82.
Lithgow 2003 A view of the Yard Box, looking west towards the station.
Lithgow 2004 The view looking down the platform towards the Sydney end of the station. The photo shows the old goods lift and station buildings. The garden in the centre of the platform was the base of the old stairs.
Lithgow 2003 The view looking down over platform 2 with a west-bound service stopped at the station.
Lithgow 2005 A photo of presumed turntable and ash pits located next to Up main between Eskbank and Coal Stage Box. This photo taken from Up train and at the top of this photo runs the line into the Lithgow State Mine. The Blast Furnace park is behind this view. Track in the foreground is an Up refuge that runs down through the shed next to Eskbank station.
Lithgow 2005 A view of Lithgow Loco from a down train to Lithgow. The structure behind the left staunchion is the old sanding building with the reservoirs on the roof.
Lithgow 2005 The view from a train looking towards Lithgow after coming through the bends down from Zig Zag. At the end of the straight is Coal Stage Signal Box.
Lithgow 2005 The old Goods Lift and station entrance at the Sydney end of Lithgow Station.
Lithgow Goods Station 2005 The view from track level of Eskbank Station looking west towards Lithgow station.
Martin Place 2005 The view looking down the escalators to the platforms.
Martin Place 2005 The view looking along platform 2 in the direction of Bondi Junction.
Medlow Bath 2004 The view looking south across towards platform 1.
Medlow Bath 2004 The view looking towards Sydney along the down platform.
Medlow Bath 2004 The view looking west across towards the down platform.
Milsons Point 2005 Milsons Point station after dark. Taken from the Harbour Bridge end of the platforms looking at Harbour Bridge and approaches.
Milsons Point 2005 A shot of Milsons Point station after dark. Taken from the Harbour Bridge end of the platforms looking northwards.
Mount Druitt 2005 A photo of the Sydney end of Mt Druitt station.
Mount Druitt 2005 A view of the western end of Mt Druitt station from a drivers point of view. Photo taken from rear of a Blue Mountains train looking east.
Mount Victoria 2004 The view from the overhead pedestrian bridge located towards the Sydney end of Mt Victoria Station. The is the view looking towards Lithgow.
Mount Victoria 2004 The view from near the entrance to the Up yard west of Mount Victoria station.
Mount Victoria 2004 A collection of modern and older signs at the entrance to the station on platform 2.
Mount Victoria 2004 The roadside view of the (up) station building, and upstairs museum.
Mount Victoria 2004 The old barracks building situated north of the station near the Up yard.
Mount Victoria 2004 The trackside view of the old barracks building.
Mount Victoria 2004 The view looking across at the up platform and the old ballroom.
Mount Victoria 2004 The view looking across at the down platform and the old tea rooms.
Mount Victoria 2005 The view from a west-bound service approaching the station.
Mulgrave 2005 Photo shows Mulgrave Station and Signal Box, with current Station Manager locking door. The signal box currently houses CCTV equipment, but has been nearly destroyed by whiteants and is in a sorry state of repair inside.
Newnes Junction 2003 A view of the desolate station, taken from the rear of a down train.
Newnes Junction 2003 The view looking towards Sydney. The signal box was cut in and a coal train from the nearby Clarence Colliery can be seen on the left waiting for its path to Port Kembla.
Parramatta 2005 The view looking along platforms 1 and 2 towards Sydney.
Parramatta 2005 The view looking west towards the station. To the left of the photo are cranes which are slowly helping to alter the skyline over Parramatta Station.
Parramatta 2005 The view of construction work at the station from the rear of a west-bound service.
Pendle Hill 2005 A view of the station from the eastern end.
Pendle Hill 2005 A photoof Pendle Hill station showing western ends of platforms.
Penrith 2005 A view of the all-brick Penrith Signal Box taken looking west.
Penrith 2005 The old water tower, east of the station beside the down main at Penrith. At the right of photo from right to left is the Up main, the Down main and platform 3 at Penrith station. Photo is looking in a westerly direction.
Penrith 2005 A view of Penrith Railway station showing the old water filling tower at the eastern end of platforms 1 and 2. Photo taken from rear of a Blue Mountains train looking east. The track on right of photo is Down main with the Up main to the centre of photo.
Quakers Hill 2005 The view looking back towards Sydney, with a 6 car R+ set 39 on a Down service to Riverstone.
Riverstone 2005 A view from an approaching up train, showing 6 car R+ set 42 waiting for the road to continue its run to Richmond.
Riverstone 2005 The level crossing at the Sydney end of Riverstone Station.
Riverstone 2005 The unprotected level crossing into the old Meatworks site at the Richmond end of Riverstone station, now used by Roadmaster. Trains are sometimes forced to slow down when trucks approach level crossing as the trucks sometimes try to beat the train. The truck pictured pulled up hard as we approached as if he realised he would not be able to beat train.
Riverstone 2005 A copy of a photo of the exterior of the Signal Box at Riverstone taken in 1989. The original is in a frame in the Station Master's office at Riverstone.
Riverstone 2005 The signal box at Riverstone. Riverstone and all of the Richmond line is controlled by the signal box at Blacktown. This signal box at Riverstone is now operated part time as required by the station staff.
Riverstone 2005 A photo of another photo, showing the Diagram of Riverstone with the sidings to the Meatworks, Cattleyards and Goods sidings.
Riverstone 2005 A photo of a photo, showing the board with lights that hung above the levers inside the Riverstone Signal Box in 1989.
Riverstone 2005 The current signalling board inside the Riverstone Box. It now sits on a desk where the old levers used to be.
Riverstone 2005 A copy of a photo showing the old levers inside the box. The original of this photo is hanging in the SM's office at Riverstone.
Riverstone 2005 An interior shot of the part time signal box at Riverstone. A desk with a new board covered with protective plastic sits where old lever frame was.
Riverstone 2005 A view taken from near the station entrance beside level crossing. This siding was once the Goods Siding which was connected to the branch line behind where this picture was taken. The level crossing once had 3 tracks.
Rooty Hill 2005 A view of the western end of Rooty Hill Station. Curved end of building was once a signal box but is now used as the SM's office and staff facilities.
Schofields 2005 A view of the single platform at Schofields looking towards Sydney.
Seven Hills 2005 A view of the Sydney ends of platforms.
Springwood 2004 Looking down at Up Main and Platform 1 from the adjacent multi-storey commuter carpark.
Springwood 2004 The view looking along platform 1 from the Sydney end of the platform. The Up Main is on the right of picture.
Springwood 2005 The signal box board in Springwood signal box.
Springwood 2005 A photo of Springwood station taken after dark from the top level of the multi storey commuter carpark, looking down at Up main and platform 1.
St Marys 2005 The view looking east of St Marys signal box, at the western end of the station.
St Marys 2005 The view of the eastern side of St Marys station looking in a westerly direction from the rear of a city bound train.
St Marys 2005 A view of St Marys station looking east showing western end of platforms. An empty coal train can be seen sitting waiting for the road to head west on platform 4 in the right of the photo.
Valley Heights 2005 Approaching western end of Valley Heights station, taken from front of Up service travelling on the Down Main. Due to the overhead wiring being brought down between Doonside and Blacktown in the morning, 2 coal trains were held between Valley Heights and Springwood nose to tail. (a Lidsdale coal and a Charbon coal about 200 metres apart). As a result, all Up services had to travel via the Down line to eastern end of Valley Heights then cross back to the Up.
Valley Heights 2005 A photo of a photocopied photo which shows the old Valley Heights Signal Box. The writing and call numbers and description on side of photocopy are unreadable but it appears to have come from either State Records or ARHS. Handwriting below photocopy reads, "Before it burnt down". This photocopy was until recently on the wall of the waiting room at Valley Heights station. Along with another shot of the box there are 2 others which are very bad photocopies showing the elevated coal road and Valley Heights depot dated in handwriting 1959. These were taken down when the station waiting room was painted.
Valley Heights 2005 A view looking down through the overhead wires at what is left of the once 3 storey signal box beside the Down refuge loop and sidings at Valley Heights.
Valley Heights 2005 The one-time 3 storey signal box beside the Down refuge loop and sidings at Valley Heights.
Valley Heights 2005 A photo taken after dark from under the footbridge over the highway on the Up side of Valley Heights station. Photo is taken looking towards Sydney showing the Up main and Platform 1.
Valley Heights 2005 A photo taken after dark from the road bridge at the Sydney end of Valley Heights looking west. Photo shows the shapely island platform with the Up main on the right, the Down main and Down refuge loop and sidings on the left.
Vineyard 2005 Vineyard Station and level crossing at the Richmond end of the station.
Warrimoo 2005 The view from the pedestrian footbridge looking west over Warrimoo Station.
Warrimoo 2005 The view looking west towards the station.
Wentworth Falls 2004 The view looking east along platform 1.
Westmead 2005 A photo of Westmead station showing Sydney end of platforms.
Windsor 2005 This goods crane was located on a loading dock on the one-time goods siding at the down end of the station.
Windsor 2005 The road-side view of the station building.
Woodford 2003 An early morning sunrise shows the station still illuminated by strings of lights.
Woodford 2004 The view of platform 1 and the Up Main looking up from the old highway, now a commuter carpark. The small building is the Lamp Room, located at the Sydney end of platform.
Woodford 2004 The view looking along platform 2 towards Sydney.
Woodford 2005 The view from the western end of platform looking along platform 1 towards Sydney.
Woodford 2005 A night shot taken from the western end of platform 1 looking east down the Up main towards Sydney.
Zig Zag 2003 The short Platform 1 at Zig Zag, looking towards Sydney.
Zig Zag 2005 The Zig Zag signal box now used on the tourist railway, viewed from the main line.
Zig Zag 2005 The view looking up to the top and middle roads of the zig zag.
Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel 2005 The Up portal of Zig Zag No 1 tunnel.
Zig Zag No 10 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 10 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 2 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 2 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel 2005 The up portal of Zig Zag No 3 tunnel.
Zig Zag No 4 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 4 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel. Visible in the distance are Nos 4 and 3Tunnels.
Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel 2005 The up portal of Zig Zag tunnel no 5.
Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel 2005 The up portal of Zig Zag No 6 tunnel.
Zig Zag No 7 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 7 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 8 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 8 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel 2004 The down portal of Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel 2005 The up portal of Zig Zag tunnel No 9.