NSW Railway Photos owned by Stephen Daymond

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Carlwood 2001 The line between Carlwood and Hazelgrove is intact, with only a few sleepers missing.
Euabalong West 2001 The view looking along the platform.
Euabalong West 2001 The unusual placement of the station name written along the platform facing.
Hazelgrove 2001 The sign which stands at the location of Hazelgrove is not the original one.
Lake Cargelligo 2001 The Lake Cargelligo home signal. The post is made of two welded rails.
Lake Cargelligo 2001 The view looking back from the end of the line, showing the unusual foundations for the water tank.
Lake Cargelligo 2001 The water tank and turntable.
Lake Cargelligo 2001 A close up of the water tank, showing the concrete and steel supports.
Trundle 2001 The 509 mileage post, at the location where the up home signal once stood. This view is looking back towards Bogan Gate.
Trundle 2001 The view in Trundle yard, looking south towards Bogan Gate.
Trundle 2001 The remains of the up home signal, since removed. Train Order Working now controls movements on this branch.
Trundle 2001 The grain siding and silo at Trundle.
Tullamore 2001 The view looking towards Bogan Gate.
Tullamore 2001 The remains of Tullamore yard.
Tullibigeal 2001 The view looking towards town in the up direction. The Up Home signal arm has been removed.