Adamstown |
1984 |
The Adamstown to Dudley Junction Staff instrument. |
Adamstown |
1984 |
Tyers Block safeworking used for the "Mineral Line" (upper) and Broadmeadow Relief Line (lower). |
Bellata |
2001 |
The staff and ticket box for the Bellata - Edgeroi section. The
staff is present!
Bellata |
2001 |
The staff and ticket box for the Bellata - Gurley section.
Berry |
2008 |
The staff instrutments for the sections to Nowra and Kiama. |
Berry |
2008 |
A ground frame in the yard, used for shunting movements. |
Binnaway |
2001 |
The staff holder and ticket box for the Binnaway - Coonabarabran section
(the staff is in use).
Binnaway |
2001 |
The staff holder and ticket box for the Binnaway - Premer section
(the staff is present).
Binnaway |
2001 |
The staff holder and ticket box for the Binnaway - Merrygoen section
(the staff is in use).
Bombo |
1986 |
An integral part of single line rail operation was the exchanging of the
staff at a safeworking point. A classic pose is shown here at Bombo in 1986
as the up South Coast Daylight slowly trundles through.
Boorowa |
1980 |
The Boorowa to Galong Staff and Ticket box. |
Bowning |
1980 |
The block instruments at Bowning flank the track indictor board; the closest one is for Yass Jct. |
Bowral |
1980 |
Interior of Bowral Signal Box showing the block instruments. 1980. |
Broadmeadow |
1986 |
Broadmeadow South Box had a Tyers Block Instrument, which was for the Adamstown Relief Line. Note the standard bell instruments. |
Bundanoon |
2004 |
The safeworking instruments in the signal box.
Bundanoon |
2004 |
The station diagram and safeworking instrument behind the lever frame. |
Bungendore |
2007 |
The electric staff changer contains the staffs for the Queanbeyan to Bungendore and the Bungendore to Tarago sections of the line. |
Bungendore |
1986 |
The Bungendore - Tarago Staff & Ticket box. Note the signal box plate dated 1917. |
Burren |
2007 |
The three staff boxes inside the staff hut. |
Caledonia |
1986 |
The Tyers block instrument in the signal box. |
Camurra |
2007 |
A shot of all three Train staff boxes, with two of the staffs in place. The loose key box is in the bottom left of the photo. |
Caragabal |
1996 |
One of the staff instruments in the safeworking hut, at Caragabal.
Clandulla |
2005 |
The Ordinary Train Staff for Clandulla - Baal Bone Junction section at Clandulla. |
Clandulla |
2005 |
The Miniature Electric Staff Instrument at Clandulla, for the section to Kandos. |
Coopernook |
1981 |
A familiar site on the north main line was the use of automatic staff exchangers which were used so as to not slow down the trains. This is ready for a northbound train in 1981. |
Crookwell |
1980 |
The Crookwell-Goulburn staff & ticket box 1980. |
Culcairn |
1980 |
The staff and ticket boxes for both Holdbrook and Corowa in Culcairn Signal box. |
Culcairn |
1980 |
42220 sits in the loop on the down as 42217 thunders by and is about to exchange the staff on the automatic staff exchanger through the next section to Gerogery. |
Curlewis |
2005 |
The Miniature Electric Staff Instruments in Curlewis staff room, covering the sections to Breeza and Gunnedah. |
Edgeroi |
2001 |
Edgeroi is a staff exchange station, as evidenced by the staff receptacles
for the sections to Bellata and Narrabri. Both staffs are absent.
Edgeroi |
2001 |
A track maintence worker consults a log book in the safeworking room
at the station.
Emerald Hill |
2005 |
These controls are next to each Home and Home-Starting signal to control entry to and exit from the loop. |
Emerald Hill |
2007 |
The staff instruments inside the signal box. |
Excelsior |
1981 |
Excelsior had a staff & ticket location as shown in this 1981 picture. |
Galong |
1980 |
The Galong staff and ticket box for the Boorowa branch. |
Gap |
2009 |
The staff for the section to Spring Ridge. |
Gloucester |
1982 |
44220 leading a 44 class goes through the routine staff exchange. |
Gulgong |
2008 |
The staff box for the section Gulgong-Dunedoo. |
Gulgong |
2008 |
The interior of the staff hut with one of the staff machines, not long before the introduction of CTC. |
Harden |
1980 |
Harden North and South had Tyers Block instruments to the last. These old but true tested instruments chimed their message of safe travel for many decades. This is the one in Harden North Box and shows the "Train on line" position. |
Harden |
1980 |
The South Box at Harden's Tyers two wire block instrument set at "line blocked". |
Harden |
1980 |
This is the array of of instruments on the shelf at Harden South Signal Box. There is the Tyers two wire block and also the standard NSWGR block instruments which never really did oust the ancient Tyers. Also the stiker bell and repeater can be seen. |
Henty |
1980 |
The Henty - Rand staff and ticket box. |
Henty |
1980 |
A scene long gone, the staffs are in motion as 8017 rumbles through Henty on a north bound freight and using the automatic staff exchanger. 8017 has just collected the staff for Yerong Creek as the one from Culcairn is still swinging on the rams horn collector. |
Islington Junction |
2005 |
Various items of safeworking equipment in the box. |
Johns River |
1981 |
The staff instrument at Johns River. |
Kapooka |
1980 |
This shot taken in 1980 at Kapooka shows a working of bygone days on the south
with 42203 which has just changed staffs on the Automatic Staff
Kapooka |
1980 |
Kapooka Signal Box sat off the main road and was rather an isolated box but was an important crossing point. This 1980 photo shows an automatic staff exchanger ready for an up train to Wagga. The staff was placed in the top ring for collection by the locomotive while the bottom "rams horn" took the staff from the Uranquinty section, all at speed. |
Kyogle Loop |
2007 |
The staff machine for the section for Kyogle to Loadstone. |
Kyogle Loop |
2007 |
One of the staff machines has been placed out of working. |
Kyogle Loop |
2007 |
The train register book in the safeworking hut. |
Kyogle Loop |
2007 |
The staff hut at Kyogle Loop. |
Kywong |
1980 |
The staff and ticket box at the station. One staff covered the whole branch.
Marulan |
1980 |
One of the two sets of block instruments in Marulan Signal Box 1980. |
Medway Junction |
1980 |
The block instruments in Medway Junction Box, for Tallong & Marulan. |
Medway Junction |
1980 |
Medway Junction's red staff & ticket box for the branch to the Quarry. |
Mudgee |
1981 |
The Mudgee - Gulgong Staff & ticket box. |
Mudgee |
1981 |
An electric staff instrument inside the signal box. |
Oolong |
1980 |
The Pilotman's lock in Oolong Signal Box. This was often used when a pilot was needed for wrong line running or emergency work. |
Pangela |
1976 |
The staff is about to be exchanged with an up train at Pangela Signal Box
in January 1976.
Queanbeyan |
1986 |
Staff instruments for the the sections that start or end at the location. |
Rand |
1980 |
The Staff and Ticket box at Rand still existed 5 years after closure in this
1980 photo.
Rankins Springs |
2008 |
A sempahore signal on a lattice post is still present in the yard. |
Stockinbingal |
2003 |
Another view of the level frame and the two staff instruments.
Stockinbingal |
2003 |
A close-up of the staff instrument for the Stockinbingal - Parkes section.
Stockinbingal |
2003 |
A close-up of the staff instrument for the Stockinbingal - Cootamundra West section.
Tallong |
1980 |
Interior of Tallong Signal Box showing the blocks instruments. |
Telegraph Point |
1982 |
A close-up view of the automatic staff exchanger which was ready for a north bound freight. |
Temora |
2004 |
A close-up of the safeworking instruments behind the lever frame.
Ulan Loop |
2008 |
The staff machines in the Ulan staff hut. |
Urana |
1980 |
Urana was a staff exchange station in 1980. Boree Creek has lost its
staff station status at this time, as evidenced by the new label.
Uranquinty |
1980 |
Uranquinty was the junction for the Kywong branch which was closed 5 years earlier, but the staff and ticket box still remained in the Signal Box. |
Wagga Wagga |
1980 |
The staff instruments to Kapooka (left) & Bomen on the right. 1980. |
Walcha Road |
2005 |
Walcha Road - Uralla section Train Staff. |
Wellington |
1982 |
A goods service has stopped for the exchange of safeworking tokens. |
Werris Creek |
2005 |
The electric staff machine inside the signal box. |
Werris Creek |
2005 |
The staff for the short section south to Werris Creek South Box. |
Wingello |
1980 |
A 1980 picture showing the interior of Wingello Signal Box showing the block instruments. |
Wingen |
1979 |
The automatic staff exchanger has been set up ready for the approaching south-bound train. |
Yass Junction |
1980 |
Yass Junction block instruments for the up and down lines to Bowning. |
Yass Junction |
1980 |
The Staff and Ticket box for the Yass Town branch at Yass Junction. |