Ardglen Tunnel |
2005 |
The northern portal of Ardglen Tunnel with Countrynet Train Radio Antenna on the left. |
Ardglen Tunnel |
1990 |
A track-side view of the down portal. |
Ardglen Tunnel |
2006 |
A view of the Down Ardglen Home signal with the southern tunnel portal directly behind it. |
Ardglen Tunnel |
1993 |
General view of the Up end of the Ardglen tunnel. The people are inspecting the tunnel in the tendering process to supply radiating cable through the tunnel for the Countrynet radio. |
Ardglen Tunnel |
1993 |
The Up portal of the Ardglen tunnel. |
Avon Tunnel |
2007 |
The southern portal of the unfinished Avon tunnel on the never completed Dombarton - Maldon line. The tunnel only extends a few metres into the rock. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
The flooded portal area at the Maldon end of the planned tunnel. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
The formation as it approaches the tunnel portal. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
A fairly substantial culvert near the portal, at the 102.460km point. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
The well-constructed railway cutting at the 110km location. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
The well-constructed railway cutting at the 110km location. |
Avon Tunnel |
2008 |
The cleared cutting area near where the line approaches the freeway. |
Bald Hill Tunnel |
2008 |
The Down (Southern) Portal of the tunnel. |
Bald Hill Tunnel |
2008 |
The safety lighting and kilometrage sign at the southern portal of the tunnel. |
Bamberry Hill Tunnel |
2005 |
The southern portal looking in the down direction. The high rainfall in the area has caused a land slip across the line. The conduit through the tunnel is part of the Country Energy line that runs along the right of way from Mullumbimby to Murwillumbah. |
Bamberry Hill Tunnel |
2005 |
The view looking out of the southern portal in the up direction. |
Bamberry Hill Tunnel |
2005 |
The view of the northern portal looking in the up direction. There has been a land slip to the right of the portal. |
Bay Road Tunnel |
2006 |
The southern portal of the Bay Road Tunnel just north of Waverton station. |
Bay Road Tunnel |
2006 |
A Hornsby-bound Tangara set exits the northern portal of the Bay Road Tunnel. |
Bethungra Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The view looking from No 1 tunnel across to the up portal of No 1
Bethungra Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The cutting at the exit of the No 1 tunnel, where up trains begin the
clockwise climb to the location where the photo was taken.
Bethungra Spiral No 2 Tunnel |
2005 |
The down portal of the No 2 tunnel, on the Up Main.
Bethungra Spiral No 2 Tunnel |
2005 |
The view looking south as the Up Main passes over itself. |
Border Tunnel |
2005 |
The view looking north towards the southern portal. |
Border Tunnel |
2005 |
The view looking south from the southern portal. |
Border Tunnel |
2005 |
The northern portal of the tunnel. |
Boronia No 2 Tunnel |
2007 |
One of the portals on the tunnel, as viewed from the front of a train. |
Boronia No 5 Tunnel |
1980 |
An unidentified 442-class loco hauls a passenger train up Cowan Bank
past the portal of the abandoned Boronia No 5 Tunnel.
Boronia No 5 Tunnel |
2007 |
The up portal of the abandoned tunnel. |
Box Vale Tunnel |
2002 |
The northern portal of the tunnel.
Box Vale Tunnel |
2001 |
A closer view of the tunnel portal.
Box Vale Tunnel |
2001 |
The view looking along the comparatively short tunnel.
Box Vale Tunnel |
2002 |
The line formation near the end of the line, not far from the northern end
of the tunnel.
Box Vale Tunnel |
2001 |
The indentations left by the sleepers (long gone) are still clearly
Box Vale Tunnel |
2001 |
The view approaching the tunnel.
Brooks Bank Tunnel |
2007 |
The northern portal of the tunnel. The tunnel is located on the southern end of a steep section of track, the Brooks Bank, that often required trains heading for Queanbeyan to use a banking engine. |
Burringbar Range Tunnel |
2007 |
The northern portal of tunnel, looking in the up direction. |
Burringbar Range Tunnel |
2007 |
The view looking out from the southern portal in the up direction. |
Burringbar Range Tunnel |
2007 |
View of the southern portal looking in the down direction. The encroaching vegetation is evident. |
Bylong Tunnel |
1976 |
The eastern portal of Bylong Tunnel in 1976. This end of the tunnel was dry, and access to the abandoned workface several hundred metres inside was possible. |
Bylong Tunnel |
1976 |
Remains of abandoned construction equipment outside the western portal of Bylong Tunnel in 1976. The bore was incomplete and flooded, blocking access. |
Bylong Tunnel |
2001 |
The eastern portal of the now complete Bylong Tunnel at Murrumbo. |
Capertee Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Capertee tunnel.
Capertee Tunnel |
2004 |
The view looking north from the down portal of Capertee Tunnel.
Carcoar Tunnel |
2005 |
The northern portal of the tunnel. |
Carcoar Tunnel |
2004 |
The southern portal of the tunnel. |
Carlos Gap Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of Carlos Gap tunnel.
Carlos Gap Tunnel |
2006 |
The down portal of Caros Gap tunnel. |
Carlos Gap Tunnel |
1993 |
The up portal of the tunnel. |
Carlos Gap Tunnel |
1993 |
The down portal of the tunnel. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
Approaching the down portal through the cutting from the Helensburgh side. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
The tunnel was used in later years as a mushroom farm. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
The covered entrance to the tunnel. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
The interior of the tunnel. The small gauge track in the foreground was used by the mushroom farmer to remove the mushrooms to the packing shed. A small converted diesel tractor was used to run along this line. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
A brick culvert in the vicinity of the old tunnel. |
Cawley Tunnel |
2003 |
A brick culvert in the vicinity of the old tunnel. |
Colinton Tunnel |
2010 |
The southern portal of the tunnel. |
Colinton Tunnel |
2010 |
The northern portal of the tunnel. |
Cougal Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
In the distance is the line approaching from the south, while in the foreground
is the same line which has curved around and is about to enter No 2 tunnel.
Cougal Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2003 |
A broad view of the Cougal border loop looking down the valley towards Kyogle.
Due to the steepness of the countryside, a series of tunnels were built
through the mountains giving the old steam trains enough height to cross over
the Border Ranges into Queensland.
Cougal Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2003 |
A closer view of the Cougal border loop showing the line doubling back on
itself on its way to Queensland.
Cougal Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The viaduct on the upper loop of the spiral. |
Cougal Spiral No 1 Tunnel |
2003 |
A sign overlooking the border loop at Cougal just south of the Queensland
Cougal Spiral No 2 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up entrance to Cougal Spiral No 2 tunnel.
Coxs Gap No 1 Tunnel |
1978 |
The eastern portal when the tunnel was still being used for road traffic.
Coxs Gap No 1 Tunnel |
1991 |
The approach to the western portal. |
Coxs Gap No 1 Tunnel |
1991 |
A closer view of the western portal. |
Glebe Road Tunnel |
1991 |
A tour train hauled by 3642 approached the eastern portal of the tunnel.
Glebe Road Tunnel |
1991 |
A steam tour train is about to cross Johnston Street to the west of the
tunnel, heading towards Rozelle Yard.
Glebe Road Tunnel |
1991 |
The view looking back towards the city from a tour train passing along the
viaduct above Wentworth Park.
Glenbrook Tunnel |
2005 |
The western portal of the in-use Glenbrook Tunnel. |
Glenbrook Tunnel |
2005 |
A photo of the eastern portal of Glenbrook tunnel. |
Glenbrook Tunnel (1st) |
2004 |
A close-up view of the up portal of the original Glenbrook Tunnel.
Glenbrook Tunnel (1st) |
2004 |
The over-grown approach to the up portal.
Glenbrook Tunnel (1st) |
2004 |
A close-up view of the up portal of the original Glenbrook Tunnel.
Glenbrook Tunnel (1st) |
2006 |
A view of the old railway formation heading towards the original Glenbrook tunnel (under current Gt Western Hwy alignment) from Governors Drive. |
Helensburgh Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The down portal of the abandoned tunnel. |
Helensburgh Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The view looking through tunnel toward the current mainline. |
Helensburgh Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
A light fitting in the tunnel. |
Helensburgh Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
Some sort of brace or frame found in the tunnel. |
Illawarra No 1 Tunnel |
2007 |
A tour train enters the northern portal heading towards Unanderra. |
Illawarra No 2 Tunnel |
1993 |
The Down (Moss Vale) portal area. The hi-rail has just left the tunnel. |
Illawarra No 2 Tunnel |
1993 |
The Down (Moss Vale) portal. |
Illawarra No 2 Tunnel |
1993 |
The area around the Up (Unanderra) end. |
Illawarra No 2 Tunnel |
1993 |
The Up (Unanderra) portal. |
John Street Tunnel |
1991 |
A tour train is in the deep cutting at the eastern end of the John
Street Tunnel.
John Street Tunnel |
1991 |
The eastern portal of the tunnel.
Limbri Tunnel |
1994 |
The Up end of the tunnel at Limbri. |
Long Island Tunnel |
1968 |
The view looking north from the front of a down train as it approaches the Hawkesbury River Bridge having just exited the Long Island tunnel. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel |
2005 |
The view through the wires to the up portal of the tunnel. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel |
1993 |
The view looking down into the cutting of the down portal. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel |
1993 |
The down tunnel portal. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The approach to the up portal. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
A closer view of the up portal of the tunnel. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
A close view of the up portal. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The view looking through the tunnel towards Wallerawang. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The view inside the tunnel near the down end. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The view looking west towards Wallerawang. |
Marrangaroo Tunnel (1st) |
2008 |
The cutting at the Wallerawang (down) end. |
Marshalls Hill Tunnel |
2007 |
The view looking north towards the tunnel. |
Marshalls Hill Tunnel |
2007 |
The south portal of the tunnel. |
Marshalls Hill Tunnel |
2007 |
The north portal of the tunnel. |
Marshalls Hill Tunnel |
2007 |
An identification plate bolted inside the tunnel. |
Monkerai Tunnel |
2005 |
The view from a train entering the south portal of Monkerai tunnel. |
Mudgee Road Tunnel |
2005 |
The deep cutting at the up end of the short tunnel. |
Mudgee Road Tunnel |
2005 |
The down portal of the tunnel. |
Mudgee Road Tunnel |
2005 |
The deep cutting outside the down portal of the tunnel. |
Mudgee Road Tunnel |
2005 |
A view of the formation as the former line approached Mudgee Road. |
Mudgee Road Tunnel |
2005 |
The line once passed under Mudgee Road at this single track overbridge. TOday neither rail nor public road uses the bridge; it is part of the driveway to a local landscape supply business. |
Newnes No 2 Tunnel |
1986 |
North of Deane, the line passes through two tunnels. This is the northern
entrance to Tunnel No 2. Today it is well-known for its collection of
glow worms.
North Sydney Tunnel |
2006 |
North Sydney Tunnel No 2 from the northern end of platform 2. Note the temporary buffer stop installed while excavation works on platforms 1 and 2 are being carried out. The track and tunnel beyond the buffer to the car siding junction is still being used to store off peak train sets. |
Old Main Tunnel |
2004 |
The southern portal of the tunnel.
Old Main Tunnel |
2004 |
The northern portal of the tunnel.
Picton Tunnel |
2004 |
The view of the down (south) portal of the Picton Tunnel.
Picton Tunnel |
2004 |
The view of the up (north) portal of the Picton Tunnel.
Pine Range No 1 Tunnel |
2007 |
The northern portal of the tunnel. |
Red Hill No 2 Tunnel |
2005 |
The view from a steam train entering the northern portal of Red Hill No 2 tunnel. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2002 |
At the up end of the one-time crossing loop is Redhead Tunnel.
This is the view the approach to the down portal.
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
Buried in the vegetation is the 2 km post, marking the distance from Adamstown Station. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
The view looking north towrds the up portal. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
The up portal. The track bed has been converted into a rail trail, with lighting provided in the tunnel. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
Markings at the up portal indicating the distance from Adamstown, 1 mile 35 chains. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
A track information plaque at the up portal. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
The down portal. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
The view looking out of the down portal. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
Markings at the up portal indicating the distance from Adamstown, 1 mile 45 chains. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
A plaque commemorating the opening of the rail trail in 2003. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
The view looking towards the Adamstown entrance. |
Redhead Tunnel |
2008 |
Another view looking towards the Adamstown entrance. |
Richmond Vale No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up tunnel portal. |
Richmond Vale No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The down portal of the tunnel. |
Richmond Vale No 1 Tunnel |
1995 |
A shot of the western portal. |
Richmond Vale No 3 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of the Richmond Vale No 3 Tunnel.
Richmond Vale No 3 Tunnel |
1989 |
The remains of the Surveyors Creek viaduct, near the tunnel. |
Sugarloaf Tunnel |
1987 |
The western end of the tunnel, near the site of Six Mile Loop. |
The Gib Tunnel |
2001 |
A northbound Xplorer set, having just left the Gib Tunnel.
The Gib Tunnel |
2001 |
The north portal of the new Gib Tunnel.
The Gib Tunnel (1st) |
2001 |
The Old Gib tunnel is now private property, being used by the
Mittagong Mushroom company.
Wallarobba Tunnel |
2005 |
A tour train enters the southern portal of Wallarobba tunnel. |
Waterfall Tunnel |
1914 |
A copy of a photograph showing the tunnel being opened out. |
Waterfall Tunnel |
2003 |
The view looking south to the cutting which was the former tunnel. |
Wollar Gap Tunnel |
1992 |
Looking through Wollar Gap Tunnel from the east, with an up train approaching. |
Woy Woy Tunnel |
2003 |
The view looking through Woy Woy tunnel from the Sydney end. The tunnel is straight, however there is an average grade of 1 in 150 downhill to the Woy Woy end. |
Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 1 Tunnel |
2005 |
The Up portal of Zig Zag No 1 tunnel. |
Zig Zag No 10 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 10 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 2 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 2 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 3 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of Zig Zag No 3 tunnel. |
Zig Zag No 4 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 4 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel. Visible in the distance are Nos 4 and 3Tunnels.
Zig Zag No 5 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of Zig Zag tunnel no 5. |
Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 6 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of Zig Zag No 6 tunnel. |
Zig Zag No 7 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 7 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 8 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 8 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel |
2004 |
The down portal of Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel.
Zig Zag No 9 Tunnel |
2005 |
The up portal of Zig Zag tunnel No 9. |